Sunday, February 2, 2025


All of our lives are a series of choices. From the richest of the rich to the poorest of the poor. Each and everyday our life is full of making choices.

Each choice we make either directly or indirectly affects other people. I don’t think we give that idea enough thought!  Most make their choices based on their own biases, convictions, likes, dislikes, and they convince themselves how things are based on how they want them to be.

Others of us, typically overthinkers, consider others in our choices. How will my choice affect others. We too have personal convictions, likes, dislikes but rather than convincing ourselves things are the way we want them to be we study, read, watch, listen and learn. If we don’t understand something we research. We don’t listen to one news source or only those that are our “pet podcasters” or who we identify with. We really do dig deep. We want to understand every aspect of the situation. Then and only then do we make a decision. It is an informed one. You can be assured anything we believe didn’t come just seeing a post on Facebook! We have throughly researched and are confident in our findings. 

For years we tried and tried to tell DT supporters what he was, what was going to happen, how it would hurt them…it fell on deaf ears. Now, many are like oh man! We fucked up, I don’t think he would really do it, I thought he was just running his mouth! No sympathy! None, nada, zilch! YOU have caused great pain to many people..YOUR actions, YOUR choice has caused all of this…sadly the worst is yet to come. Just wait…just wait! I hope if and when we ever get out of this mess you realize how your choices affect millions of people in negatives ways!

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