There are things I truly think we ALL need to fear. Donald Trump and his agenda and Christianity. Not true Christianity but this new Christian nationalism.
This man(and I call him that lightly) is nothing more than a dictator in the making. He has surrounded himself with power hungry people with the same ideas and new ideas. Mr. Trump with the fragile ego and minimal intelligence just does whatever he thinks will get him the most attention. He doesn’t give 2 shits about you! He cares about attention, power and money! Why in the hell people can’t see this is beyond the scope of my comprehension. I have really tried to understand the fascination with him and his ideas. I just don’t get it! I read this a bit ago and I was appalled that this is where we are as a developed “Christian” nation. This is absolutely disgusting. If you Christian’s think for one minute this is the behavior Jesus Christ taught, you are extremely mislead and need to go back to Sunday school! While I no longer subscribe to Christianity I very well remember the teachings of Jesus and folks, I’m here to tell ya this ain’t it! Not by a long a shot! Christianity is missing the mark and it’s tearing this country apart right along with these disgusting views coming from our supposed “leaders”! These aren’t leaders these are selfish individuals doing nothing more than using a platform to boost their delicate egos! Please look at yourself in the mirror and ask if you really believe this is ok? Are your views really ok? Do you really believe all this rhetoric or are you just so opposed to the other party you are just following along? Be honest with you!
The very people preparing for a “dictatorship” years ago, so against tyranny, vowed to fight against such a dictator, voted in a dictatorship…the irony is to much! You voted against your own best interest! SMDH!
How in the hell did we get here? How will we ever overcome this? Is this real life?
You can tap/click on the image to enlarge. You can do a search to find the entire news article.
Until next time…
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