Thursday, October 3, 2024

So much peace


The past few days I have felt wonderful…there’s such peace in coming to terms with situations, people and things…finally reaching the understanding who you are, what you believe and what you stand for…being able to share that openly…there’s such freedom in that! It’s not easy because we live in a society where everyone is the same, breaking free from that is hard! Very hard! Speaking your truth takes courage. But it is so freeing!

I know I will face backlash from people, I have for years when I have managed to disagree..I have learned to just agree with them and call it a day…most people are not open to hearing other perspectives once they make up their minds, just how most humans are built I suppose. They would rather cling to their preconceived ideas than admit they might be wrong! I get it…don’t argue…it’s much more peaceful to just agree with them and move on along. 

I regret I did not find myself earlier in life…I spent the best years of my life living a lie…deep down inside I knew it was all a lie but out of fear I clung to it with dear life, hoping someday it would all make sense…I think at some point I had even convinced myself I believed it all…I was miserable for years…for the past 11 years I have studied, read, researched and studied some more…I am secure in my findings….just in past 2 years have I began to really speak up and speak out…it’s not been easy…but my truth is mine and I have the right to speak it just as much as those who disagree. There are others like me trying to find their way…I want to be a beacon of light in their darkness…I want to be their path out of the wilderness of lies and half truths.

We still live in a free country, and I hope it continues.

I have learned many physical ailments can result from living in a state of constant stress, trying to live a life not meant for you, trying to live a lie, trying to people please and be accepted just to have friends…trying to hide and put on a facade as to not appear weird, sinful or bad! 

Life is hard enough as it is…why some groups of people are hell bent on making it harder for some is beyond my comprehension. If it doesn’t effect you, leave it be…leave them be! You do you! 

Somewhere along the course of humanity it became ok to push your personal beliefs on everyone else…it became ok to shame, belittle, harass, condemn and abuse those not like yourself…it’s truly sickening! 

I don’t guess it ever occurred to people that were not all the same nor were we ever meant to be…there are many belief systems in the world and the odds of just one being right and that one just happens to be in the United States…it’s actually laughable! It’s simply not logical!

I’m am so very grateful to see beyond the status quo…to understand diversity and accept people as they are. 

Admittedly I struggle with certain groups, but I do not abuse nor bully them. I do not demand they believe like me or call them names…they are free to choose how they live their life…I just wish they could allow others the same freedom. The old saying…“mind your own business”! Yeah!, do that!

It’s freeing to reach a point that you are no longer bothered by other people’s opinions…I respect them…and will continue to do so until they begin saying I must follow them. You can respect people and disagee. And funny thing is, if you don’t like their choice, you don’t have to choose it! And that’s ok! Move on, choose how you want to live, vote, what religious belief you want to be part of, where you want to live, who you want to love and let others have the same freedoms! We were never meant to be the same! 

I’m so happy I see beyond all the “in the box” thinking…the truth will set you free! I am free indeed! I am so grateful!

Until next time…


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