Monday, October 14, 2024

I feel sad today


I have blogged for many years…I quit for a few years but still like to visit blogs I used to read once in awhile…

I came across one this evening I used to enjoy reading…he hadn’t posted in a couple years but in Jan. 2023 he posted things had changed…they had sold their farm animals when the kids moved out…due to age and no one to help…

It made me very sad…I felt that really deeply…hubby and I are getting older and with age come changes…I love our farm, our simple way of life…I get teary eyed thinking about not having my goats or chickens anymore…but I too know the time is coming…

Life changes so rapidly…when you’re young you just don’t think about getting older and having to give up the things that mean so very much to you….then one day you wake up and realize you’re not so young anymore…

Farm life has been our life for many years and we’ve worked hard over the years to build what we have…I wonder how hard it was for this guy to admit it just wasn’t possible to continue what he was doing? How long did it take to admit it to himself and his wife? Sigh…

I wondered what it was all for? All this work, time, money…what did we build it all for? Just to one day say well it’s over…

I guess for the joy of it…maybe…I know the time is closer than I’d like to think…maybe stumbling upon his post was  the universes way of preparing me for a time of letting go…

So much is changing in our society as well…sometimes the changes seem overwhelming…maybe this is the age all the change happens at once…lol…feels like a cruel joke or test we just can’t pass! I don’t know it’s just feels….different.

What I do know is, time marches on…change is inevitable no matter how much we fight it….aging happens…and the world keeps spinning…it’s pointless to fight it…all fighting does is make us miserable…we suffer needlessly…I guess it’s best to just accept what is going to be and be grateful that you are alive…

I feel sad tonight…not quite sure why…maybe I’m reminded I have more life behind me than in front of me, maybe I’m being reminded all good things end…maybe it’s feeling the loss of those bloggers that I once followed so closely and felt involved in their life somehow even though we never met…maybe I sense they are getting old too and feel like me…maybe it’s that an era of wonderful bloggers from a few years ago is ending…maybe we’re just on the cusp of something brand new and it’s hard to let go of the old…maybe I’m remembering the togetherness we used to have and it’s a stark reminder of the division that we now face daily…maybe that was the “good ol’ days”….

I know we can’t return. We can only move forward. We must move forward! I hope moving forward we can somehow find unity again like I remember feeling just a few short years ago in the blogging community…we were all miles apart, but shared a comradery…we were all different, yet found common ground…that seems so unattainable in todays world…we all instinctively knew we would face horrible challenges in the not so distant future…and here we are…we were laughed at, made fun of….maybe that was our common ground?…we had each others back…whatever it was, we were friends in an odd sort of internet way…I know in the future we will face many challenges…the worst is yet to come…I only hope we can find common ground and get through it…

Until next time…


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