Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Feeling lighter

 I woke this morning feeling much lighter than I have been. I’m a person that seems to feel things very deeply and it’s hard for me to let things go until I work through it…writing helps me do that… so that’s why I started writing again. 

There’s much turmoil in our world these days and people with varying opinions about it all…I find it difficult to navigate. Having so many personalities in one place on social media is hard…at least for me.

I keep a very small circle, I joke and say my circle is so small it’s just a dot..lol…I tend to stay with like minded or mostly like minded individuals…I read, study and listen to other perspectives but when one begins to shove it down my throat I walk away…I huge on facts, truth and keeping it real. So many people today are swayed by delusions and lies. Have no use for that in my life. 

I cleaned house on my Facebook page..I established a personal boundary about what I’m willing to see everyday. I understand people can post whatever they want to post and I’m ok with that, but when it becomes personal or just a way to aggravate I’m not ok with that. And equally I’m allowed to choose not to see things that disturb my peace! And honestly I just simply don’t want to see your bullshit to just be mean…lol…just as someone is free to unfriend me if they don’t want to see mine…the street goes both ways!

Today is a brighter day, and I’m feeling much lighter than previous weeks…I’m ok with others not understanding where I’ve been, what I’m about or how I feel! The important people in my life get it…Those that matter will still be around and those that don’t stick around, don’t matter! 

I will always stand for the broken, the downtrodden, the outcast and hurt…I am of them…life has never been easy for me nor them…and most people  are hell bent on continuing to make it hard…their karma is coming! 

I am a good person but not a nice person…I am kind until the situation warrants otherwise…I don’t live in a fantasy world with make believe characters…I live in the real world where are real issues…it’s hard living in a world where people want to suppress others rights based on their outdated beliefs. But I digress…

Today is a good day! It’s October and my favorite month! Halloween is my favorite holiday and I look forward to celebrating it this entire month with those that are into all things hallloween! Witchy decor, apples, pumpkins, scarecrows, sweaters, hay rides, cauldrons, bonfires, gatherings and all manner of comfort food! 

Enjoy this October!

Until next time…


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