Monday, October 21, 2024


It’s funny how meeting 1 person can make you question so many things! After meeting a certain person a few months ago and having a few meaningful conversations I have questioned so many things. Her being a Christian, she came from that perspective in our conversations, and me, being more of the pagan bent came from that perspective. Going back in my life I was raised Christian so those beliefs are not lost on me. At 46 I left the faith tearfully and began a “mindful journey” into who I was and what I believed. I’m still on that journey learning every day. 

One thing I had never done was any type of ancestry lineage stuff, just never really sparked an interest…until now!

I decided to do a bit of digging. I just decided to find out where I came from. Who am I and what am I made up of, what were their stories…I needed to know.

I believe our ancestors can tell us a lot about ourselves. They can help us understand who we are, where we came from, what beliefs they held. In my case I was curious why I am so very different from my family. What was in my blood and DNA that made me so very different…Why I hold different views, beliefs, talents etc.

What I found was more than I really bargained for but it made so much sense. Pieces of the puzzle are finally fitting into place.

On my mom’s side there were many puritans and some Quakers that had broke away from the mainstream Christianity. Interesting because many quakers are of a more mystical belief and many were accused of witchcraft... Nothing overly interesting on my mom’s side.

On my dad’s side I have Cherokee and Shawnee Indian heritage which was interesting because my dad always denied any Indian heritage at all!

The most fascinating part was is that I found I have ancestors that were not only accused of witchcraft, but the very first man ever hung for witchcraft was a relative of mine. His name was John Proctor. His wife and daughter were accused but never hanged.

In my family tree were also people named Southwick. Casandra and her husband Lawrence were quakers and were severely persecuted for their beliefs. Eventually their children were taken from them and were going to be sold into slavery but that never materialized. Cassandra and Lawrence were banished to Long Island were they died a few days later. There story can be found online.

I think all of this did help me understand myself better and why I have interest in the things I do. It has helped me clearly see why I left Christianity for a more peaceful way of life like the quakers. I am also extremely drawn to all things pagan and witchy.

The saddest part in all of this is that in the last 300 years not much has changed in the Christian community.  Christian’s today still persecute those that do not adhere to their beliefs. The witch hunts today seem to be the LGBTQ community. It’s seems that for at least the past 300 plus years Christian’s have held a disdain for anyone not like themselves. Interestingly enough though is that King James IV , the man that commissioned and authorized the KJV Bible was responsible for the biggest witch hunt and murders in Scotland’s history. Witchcraft was not even mentioned in the earlier writing of the Bible. Doing a deep study will yield the truth!  King James was a very paranoid and delusional individual. It’s hard for me to put much stock into a book that was changed by a delusional man. The very book that tells us not to commit murder was commissioned by a man that killed 100’s of individual men and women whether directly or indirectly! Make it make sense…lol

I’m not done working on my ancestral journey…I am absolutely fascinated by where I came from. I know I will understand myself and possibly my family better once I complete this process. If you have wondered why you are possibly different from those in your close family…maybe a deep ancestry search will yield some answers! 

Until next time…

Embrace who you are…


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