Wednesday, September 25, 2024

We are one

Sitting outside staring out across our little farm I begin to think about the earth and how we are connected. Then I remember not long ago seeing a Facebook post about the “green movement” and how stupid it was from someone that identified as Christian. Here are my thoughts that followed.

If you subscribe to Christianity then you know the “In the beginning” story line…

God(the father) formed man from clay from the earth and breathed life in to him. What’s interesting here is the earth would be the mother…Mother Earth. So Father(god) and Mother(earth) came together and created life(children). 

I ask myself what does a mother do? She nurtures, she takes a house and makes a home, she creates nutritious meals, she takes care of her sick children and provides medicine if needed, she is a place of rest and love. She exudes warmth and caring for her offspring. She is giving and rarely complains how tired she is, she takes care of others even in the face of her own pain…she knows she can’t quit, her children need her.

So I began to think about Mother Earth…she brought forth life, she has provided shelter to her children since the dawn of time, she has provided food, medicine, warmth, she has loved her children with all these things. She has given to us for 1000’s perhaps millions of years. She on occasion gets angry and we are hit with tornadoes, hurricanes, and other natural disasters…kinda like the human mom that goes on a tangent once in awhile when her children make mess after mess…

When I think of this in human terms and ask how many of us would take advantage of our earthly mother. How many would constantly take and take and take from her? How many would expect her to continue to provide everything we need when we never give back? Would we not learn the lessons from her angry outbursts and try to do better to not take advantage of her love and kindness? 

We are a mere extension of god(source, universe) and Mother Earth…to not respect either one is tragic. Christian’s have no issue with crediting god for mankind’s existence yet forget that Mother Earth birthed them and has continued to provide for them throughout the ages.

They bully, make fun of and have no understanding of how or why some of us feel very strongly about our planet, this place we inhabit called home. She is our mother…without her we perish. She is where we came from. It is no accident that humans and the earth share many of the same minerals…because we part of her…she is part of us….we must take care of our earth our mother…without her we cannot be…

Before making fun of people that wish to protect this earth look at how fiercely you defend your god? Why are you so much better? You don’t see many in the “green” movement as you call it making fun of you. You are not superior nor is anyone that believes differently than you.

We cannot continue to use and abuse this planet, our Mother earth and expect her to continue on in any sustainable manner…no more than you could use and abuse your earthly mother and expect her to continue on taking care of you. Eventually she will succumb to the abuse & neglect. 

We have to have respect. I am not part of any “green” movement but I am part of this planet and I respect her. I do use not abuse her. I am mindful when I forage about how much I take, I try to give back by planting herbs, trees and flowers. If we need to clear land we clear only what is needed to sustain us. Most of our acreage is wooded. We do not clear more than needed. We believe in balance in all things. 

I give thanks to our mother for all she gives just like I thank the universe for all it gives. 

Let’s all just do better at respecting others different from you. Maybe if you took the time to listen to those different than you, you would learn something. Would your Christ make fun of someone different? If so that’s not a diety I would want to follow. Christ I have no issue with…it’s the folks that call themselves Christ followers yet show no love nor respect for those different than themselves. 

We just need to do better and be better! 

Just respect others and the beliefs they hold. Some people are just really sensitive souls that understand the world we live in on a very deep level. They/we understand we are not separate from our mother or the universe, they both created human life and both deserve our utmost respect…to make fun of or bully someone different than you is to bully your “brother or sister”. We are all one with each other and the planet! Do better!

Until next time


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