Thursday, September 26, 2024

This simple life

Life on our homestead is simple, slow paced(usually) and just so peaceful. It is where I find my center and solace from the hustle and bustle of every day life. There’s something notalgic about gathering eggs, feeding chickens and milking goats just just does my heart good. Baking and cooking from scratch seems to remind me of a time long lost to my generation. Gardening brings me great joy watching a seed come to fruition and feed my family when that seed matures into a plant producing food…canning what I grow or raise is such great satisfaction knowing I can feed my family through a hard winter or if circumstances ever call for it…

It is a way of life that one can’t describe adequately in words. It’s not easy but so satisfying. We’ve been living this life for almost 25 years. We left the suburbs for a simpler, quieter and more sustainable lifestyle. We have been through quite a lot over the years, but we always persevered and have built our little farm from the ground up. We started with nothing except dirt, rocks and trees! 

It’s taken us years to build what we have and we are extremely proud of it. So much has changed over the years…we have changed over the years. But the one thing that has never changed is our love for this way of life. 

So many life lessons can be learned through this way life…the connection to nature is so strong…you begin to realize how we are all interconnected with nature…I feel

at home when I’m in my garden. I can’t necessarily put it into words but there’s peace I have never felt anywhere else. There is no denying I am in my element as they say when I’m in my garden. 

I’m sad the gardening season has ended but I also understand the cycles of nature and that the mother needs time to rest from her long season of renewal and growth. She needs time to be still.

Just as Mother Earth needs time to be still, so do we…we need a period of rest from the busyness of the productive season. Fall is a time to put up all that you gathered through the spring and summer…winter is a time of slumber…we will rest and be strong for the spring time for the cycle to continue.

There is much to be learned from our ancestors in living by the seasons…each season offers much wisdom to be applied to our lives…to help us grow as humans…

Much of this wisdom has been lost and replaced with a completely different mentality…I fear what will come of the younger generations. 

Rather than connected to nature, they are connected to phones, video games, social media..adults are no different…And I hate to admit it, I am the same…I am working on getting away from social media as far as personally…business wise it is a must at this time. I am not good with all the garbage on social media and it’s frustrating to see the bullying, hate, meanness and misunderstandings you see daily…it literally destroys your peace!

I have turned my focus back to my homestead where my peace is…where I find my balance, my center…where I am not misunderstood. This is my escape from all the noise. 

Our farm animals are my refuge. They give me such joy watching them. The chickens are graceful and beautiful

to watch, the goats are so animated and such soulful animals. I absolutely adore them…we have rabbits but I did not get pictures…next time I will.

I forage our land for edible wild food and medicinal herbs. We have so much here I have been surprised by the amount of edibles and medicinals we have on the acreage. We were led here by the universe for a purpose. We try to fulfil that purpose daily.

I will be spending my time canning and making “medicine” this next few weeks. Thanking the universe for the abundance we have been blessed with!

Until next time,

Peace and love,


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