Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Now that I have reintroduced myself and explained why I no longer choose to be Christian let’s move on, shall we?!

Our life here on our homestead is one of peace and quiet. We live simply and choose quiet over chaos. We enjoy our  rural life and can’t imagine life any other way. We believe in living as close to nature as we can. I would say myself more-so than my husband. I adore nature and the beauty it holds. 

So many lessons to be learned. The seasons are changing and I sit outside in the morning with my coffe and just admire our little farm. I have been watching the leaves change from brilliant green to shades of amber, orange and brown…the flowers of summer have quickly given way to beautiful foliage of burgundy, golds, and rust colors. Part of me feels sad to see summer go…autumn is a time of letting go in order for Mother Earth to slumber for a time before being renewed in the spring…each year at this time I reflect on what it is I need to let go of…I find it a more suitable time to reassess my life rather than in the new year. I spend time in solitude thinking over what I need to change and let go of…be it a person or persons, an attitude, a belief, or just simply anything that hinders my growth as a human. This past year I have found myself noticing how much hatred and meanness surrounds us all. It’s been difficult for me on social media.  I decided to leave social media at least for a bit, maybe permanently just so I could breathe a bit. It’s difficult to be the odd man/woman out in your circle…it’s hard to feel like you can’t express yourself when everyone around you feels the opposite…it’s hard to grow as an individual when everyone around you has group think mentality  and you know very few around you are not group thinkers. I am blessed to not be a group thinker. I never have been, not even as a small child, I was always different. A friend of mine not long ago during a conversation said to me “you’ve always been different huh? I chuckled and said I guess that’s a nice way to say it…lol…she explained I was unique and it was good…it felt nice to not be looked down for being different. 

I don’t call myself that in a prideful way, it’s made my life hard in lots of ways. I’ve always said if I could just be like others maybe life would be easier. If I could just not question every thing and go with the herd my life would be easier. I enjoy being alone and being by myself because it’s easier than trying to pretend to be like majority. I see to much, I sense to much…and I will call bullshit where I see it…that’s hard for most people. I have been called mean, not nice, rude, to honest, and a myriad of other names…so over the years I just found solitude is far easier. People are comfortable in their group think…I am not! I am always seeking knowledge, understanding and wisdom. I am not a status quo kinda gal. 

So this autumn I am letting go of social media at least for a while until I can regroup, I am going to work on not thinking I need to correct everyone that spreads false information about things online…if it makes them happy to be ignorant so be it! It’s sad but I have heard said ignorance is bliss…maybe that’s how they find their personal peacešŸ¤·‍♀️I prefer to understand the world around me and face hard truth that others find difficult to accept…

So as the season changes so will I…I will work on my own shadows and be less concerned with others. It’s hard! 

If you too are struggling with the hostile, less than truthful, gotta be like me, groupthink mentality environment in today’s world know you’re not alone…there are those out there that understand! We feel your suffering! But I also know good will win over evil every single time! Things are changing…people are starting to see things for what they are…we are being elevated and our understanding is getting clearer…the universe is setting aside people for a higher calling, a higher purpose. 

It’s hard..but continue to live mindful, watchful and stay away from the toxic people and toxic discussions we see daily. Do not argue with people intent on misunderstanding you, pushing their agenda, or telling you, you must believe like them in order to be happy, peaceful and fulfilled. Embrace who you are and love who you are! The universe has our backs! 

Until next time..Love & Light


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