Monday, September 30, 2024

My heart is heavy

 It’s a gorgeous autumn morning here on the homestead. I’m sitting on my swing enjoying the quiet. I hear the

birds chirping and the occasionally rooster crow. My heart is heavy this morning…

I read something a bit ago that really disturbed my soul. I won’t get into it as the person that posted it is so deep into their belief no amount of talking would sway the belief…but it literally brought me to tears.

Without getting into it all I just want to talk about acceptance…

As I sit here under the trees on my swing I look up and see 3 different kinds of trees…Oak, cherry and hickory…they are all living close to one another all providing shade and homes for wild critters…the oak is not telling the hickory you need to change and be like me because I’m a mighty oak tree and provide acorns…and the hickory is not telling the cherry tree you need to be like me because I provide hickory nuts and the cherry tree is not telling the nut trees they they need to be like her…nope! They just stand tall, proud and beautiful waving their limbs and leaves and being who they are, providing and doin the job they are intended to do…they have stood in these positions many, many years just being who and what they are, side by side, limbs branching out touching one another communicating in their own tree like way…and accepting each for what they are.

My focus turns to my chickens across the yard…I have several varieties of chickens…I watch them for a bit and notice they are just happy…they walk around pecking the ground looking for bugs, pieces of food or grass…the cinnamon queen stands next to the bielefelder and the araucana…they are not telling each other they should be different because one is better…they don’t spend their time bickering about which way is better…one isn’t saying my brown eggs are better than your green eggs or I lay more eggs than you so you should to try and change and be more like me! Nope! They understand their place and who they are. They understand they are different yet needed.

The trees don’t tell the sun to be less bright or the moon to be brighter…the trees don’t don’t tell the ground to grow more or less grass…

Nature is in harmony with itself…nature accepts each and every aspect of itself and respects it. Nature understand it needs all the differences to be effective and efficient.

Humans are quite the contrary…always telling each other how to be, why it’s wrong to be like you are, how you can be different…telling some you are not normal, you are bad, you are disgusting and whatever other derogatory words they can come up with. 

This hurts my heart on such a deep level. I have friends, family,and acquaintances that are gay, lesbian, bi…I have friends that are Christian and non Christian and somewhere in between…

I have friends in cities, towns and on homesteads/farms!

I have friends who have been in jail for minor offenses and some that have stood behind the pulpit!

Guess what! I love and accept them all! I don’t feel it my place nor necessary to demean, demoralize, or make it my job to tell them what horrible people they are and they need Jesus! Ugh! Literally makes me cry!

These people, the outcast, the different ones, the ones society always wants to change…these people have been better to me than any Christian ever has! They are there when I need them without judgement or trying to change me.

When I try to be friends with Christians the judgment is strong…you can feel it…it’s heavy on them…I read them like a book with big bold letters…they wear their condemnation of others like a Scarlett letter! Oh! They try to act all nice and kind, but I see through it…I do not trust them. Open up to them and you will see them for what they are! They begin offering to tell you how Jesus changed them, how Jesus changed this one or that one, they offer up prayers and begin a throwing scripture out to support their view…they eventually get around to the topic of hell and who all gonna go there! All are self righteous full of hate for anyone they don’t understand. The old “people will let you down but keep your eye on Jesus” ones are the worse! Jesus died years ago…ain’t no way to keep my eye on him cause he ain’t here…LOL.

And yes, I guess you can say I’m judging them…I only say these things because I spent 46 years just like them. I am very versed in how they think and believe. It’s taken me years to deconstruct from the brainwashing. I’m still deconstructing. It’s hard being surrounded from all sides by them though. I feel I don’t have a voice amongst them. It’s so hard!

They believe everything is evil and out to destroy their people want everyone to be gay and there are secret messages in movies, books and the world in general. Everyone that isn’t a believer is going to burn forever in some hell! It seems everything can send you there! Yet they have no idea that hell is a relatively new concept created by man!

They are oblivious to science and medical proof of anything. It’s truly mind boggling.

My heart literally hurts and I cried this morning reading what the person posted. The agenda is strong. It’s sickening. 

I will always love my fellow man…gay, straight, Buddhist, Wiccan, or witch…if you have a past that’s ok..I won’t tell you, you need Jesus…know why? Because people need a friend. A real life in the flesh friend that they can call and talk to and be treated with decency and respect! I will not offer up prayers that will not help you, I will not quote scripture(though I could), I will just be your friend! I won’t make you feel bad for using adult language, I will not be offended if you drink alcohol or smoke pot…I will simply be your friend. I will be the friend I have always hoped to have…but yet to find!

My heart is heavy today…the hatred I see is overwhelming…I am so very angry…angry at the people that use religion to suppress others…I get mad at myself for allowing these things to bother me so much…I really dislike my sensitivity sometimes…I feel like certain people play with my emotions on purpose and then say it’s God…God, in the way they see it does not exist…he’s man made.

Now, if you are breaking laws of the land we have a problem…if you are a thief, rapist, child molestor, wife beater, meth head or any other thing that goes against the law I will not and do not condone that! 

We have no right to impede on others peoples rights…period! 

Unfortunately in today’s messed up society certain groups feel they have that right based on their agenda and beliefs. 

I just ask, why can’t people just let others be? Leave them alone…quit telling people they are wrong for being who they are…why do you care? Control? Control is always the main agenda…people fear what they don’t understand and to harness that fear, they find ways to control….I feel sorry for you all…I have deep pity for the ignorance…sigh…try to do better!

My heart is so very heavy today…

Until next time..


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