Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Putting responsibility where it belongs!

I’m not one that feels like blaming is necessarily productive. We see it all to often as a way to avoid taking responsibility for actions. However; there are times when we must put blame where it belongs in order to hold people accountable for their choices and actions! This is one such case, DT! For years, YEARS! The truth was in their face. They willfully chose to believe the lies or in many cases simply thought old DT was just running his mouth nothing would come of his threats/promises. He was just a blow hard and not the dictator wannabe we are now seeing and dealing with. People made excuses, said he was misunderstood or any other myriad of excuses they could come up with! So, here we are! I’m now seeing many, lots of people actually regretting their vote! Like this guy in the video, I have no sympathy. YOU willfully chose this! We tried to tell you, we showed you project 2025 and you all believed the lie that he knew nothing about it! Below is what he’s done so far! So, no! I don’t feel bad for you! I have 2 very close family members that voted for him, they both have cancer, they may not be able to afford their meds or treatment over his policy…sorry no sympathy! I begged one of them, literally to listen to me. I sent her articles to read, I sent her the break down of P2025…she chose to think it was “fake news”. Where does the responsibility lie? With those that voted for him! Plain and simple! 

In a short 9 days, these things have been done. We see the chaos and confusion. We haven’t seen anything yet! It’s only going to get worse unless he’s stopped. It only took Hitler 53 days!

Oil & Gas

 Pay attention to what this guy is saying! He’s not wrong!

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

My babies!

To view all current and past post, click “home” at the bottom of this post! 

My bottle babies! They are doing really well! They are my heart! They are golden gurnsey x Nigerian dwarf.

My heart is grateful

Owning a homestead is never boring! Seems there’s always something going on. I’ve been bottle feeding 2 goats kids for 3 weeks. They are doing great, growing and gaining weight steadily. They are kinda/sorta, lol, nibbling on hay. 

This morning I was still in bed when I heard a commotion in the house and baby goats hollering, upon opening my eyes, confused I thought, oh no! Those babies jumped from the play pen and dogs are chasing them. I jumped from bed, half asleep to see farm man carrying more little ones. They were very newly born and the temp is cold here. So he made the decision to bring them in. I promptly got some colostrum down them and got them warmed as they were very cold. 

While I’m not looking forward to feeding 2 more, this IS life on a homestead. I’m grateful to have the knowledge I have to care for these babies. 

Animals help me so much. I wrote yesterday about feeling so down, these animals give me a reason to keep going. I have really lost my faith in humanity these past few months. I have retreated to the homestead more and more. I leave only when absolutely necessary to do so. I am perfectly content here with my animals, soon I’ll be planting seeds starting them for my spring garden. Plans are being made to build a big goat barn this spring, our herd has out grown the little shed we have. Time to build a nice barn with kidding and milking stalls. 

Making plans and dealing with babies gives me a much needed break from all that’s going on in the world. When I am holding a baby critter all in my world seems right. For a moment my fear is gone, my anxiety is diminished..I feel peace and safe. 

I enjoy taking care of critters. It gives me purpose and somehow rights all the wrongs temporarily. Maybe it’s because I feel needed, wanted, loved….maybe it’s because it’s a gift be able to care for another living thing. Perhaps it’s because you know you are a tiny part of a much bigger picture of life’s cycle. 

This little farm has healed so much in me. Given me hope, brought me joy, and fosters a deep sense of peace in my soul. These next few years will be trying to say the least…I keep reminding my self to remember the day we found this piece of land, when I stepped out of the truck, my right foot touched the ground and heard I boldly the words, “this place is safe”. How I quickly forget those words in the middle of a panic attack or fear. 

I am struggling, I admit it. I’m scared, I’m angry, I’m confused. I need this place to help keep me grounded and somewhat balanced. Maybe this place needs me just as much to care for it. We are stewards of the mother(earth)…we have done a poor job caring for her. Maybe that’s what this is all about…what lessons are we being taught in all this hatred and chaos? Maybe some of us have already learned the lesson, the lesson of choosing love over hate, understanding over opinion, equal over unequal, choice or force. Those that haven’t are not going to learn it and it’s going to be ugly. 

Whatever the reason we are all here, living through these tumultuous times, I am so very grateful to be surrounded by people that understand. I’m thankful to have these little ones to keep me grounded…I humbled that I have been chosen to care for them to the best of my ability. My heart is grateful.

Until next time…

Peace, love & light!. 


The 2 smaller are todays baby’s 

Monday, January 27, 2025


 I am really not one to get seriously depressed, but I will admit I’m not the same anymore. I cry a lot, I’m frustrated, sad, don’t want to get out bed, I get up only to look forward to going back to sleep that night…’s the only time it peaceful. I’ve lost interest in friends. Family, yeah well…..they are maga that disinvited us to Christmas in December….There are so many that feel this way, I know I’m not alone. We are all terrified. We are confused. We don’t get why others can’t see what’s happening. I will not stop trying to tell people…not until he is gone. I feel like I’m living in a nightmare I can’t wake up from. Maybe even an alternate reality where I’m surrounded by robots that have no mind of their own anymore. They all regurgitate the same things. I try so hard to understand the draw to this sorry excuse of a human being, but I can’t. I read all the right leaning news hoping I’ll figure out the obsession with him. I listen to his speeches…still I cannot fathom embracing such darkness and hatred 

While I no longer subscribe to Christianity I have not forgotten the teachings. I remember in Matthew 24

23 Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not. 24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

So many truly act like he is some sort of savior sent on a mission to save this country or even the world! It’s disturbing. I’ve had people say if he directed them to kill someone they would do it for him! Even their own family. 

People, this is anti-Christ stuff we’re dealing with! He is rising against innocent people. He is not doing what he’s doing because he likes you or care about you! He cares nothing about this country! He’s doing what he’s doing for power, control and sheer evilness! He vindictive and full of rage and contempt for any one that “crosses” him. And its conservative Christian’s supporting this! Unbelievable! Please I implore you to step back, read what Jesus said…Jesus would never in a million years support this! 

When you have time…read this(link below). I’m not saying I agree with it all, but it is very interesting. Take some time to be open minded.


Until next time..

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Madam President Trump!

 The absolute ignorance is astounding! But shouldn’t expect anything else from the orange man!


SMDH! The stupidity is strong!

He’s so hell bent on power and being in total control he thinks nothing through. He’s literally his own worst enemy getting in his own way! Serves him right🤣


Here’s SOME of why!

A real question from a Trump supporter: ‘Why do liberals/non Trump supporters think Trump supporters are stupid?’

THE SERIOUS ANSWER: Here’s what the majority of anti-Trump voters honestly feel about Trump supporters en masse: there is more but this is a good starting place.

That when you saw a man who had owned a fraudulent University, intent on scamming poor people, you thought "Fine."

That when you saw a man who had made it his business practice to stiff his creditors, you said, "Okay."

That when you heard him proudly brag about his own history of sexual abuse, you said, "No problem."

That when he made up stories about seeing Muslim-Americans in the thousands cheering the destruction of the World Trade Center, you said, "Not an issue."

That when you saw him brag that he could shoot a man on Fifth Avenue and you wouldn't care, you exclaimed, "He sure knows me."

That when you heard him relating a story of an elderly guest of his country club, an 80-year old man, who fell off a stage and hit his head, to Trump replied: “‘Oh my God, that’s disgusting,’ and I turned away. I couldn’t—you know, he was right in front of me, and I turned away. I didn’t want to touch him. He was bleeding all over the place. And I felt terrible, because it was a beautiful white marble floor, and now it had changed color. Became very red.” You said, "That's cool!"

That when you saw him mock the disabled, you thought it was the funniest thing you ever saw.

That when you heard him brag that he doesn't read books, you said, "Well, who has time?"

That when the Central Park Five were compensated as innocent men convicted of a crime they didn't commit, and he angrily said that they should still be in prison, you said, "That makes sense."

That when you heard him tell his supporters to beat up protesters and that he would hire attorneys, you thought, "Yes!"

That when you heard him tell one rally to confiscate a man's coat before throwing him out into the freezing cold, you said, "What a great guy!"

That you have watched the parade of neo-Nazis and white supremacists with whom he curries favor, while refusing to condemn outright Nazis, and you have said, "Thumbs up!"

That you hear him unable to talk to foreign dignitaries without insulting their countries and demanding that they praise his electoral win, you said, "That's the way I want my President to be."

That you have watched him remove expertise from all layers of government in favor of people who make money off of eliminating protections in the industries they're supposed to be regulating and you have said, "What a genius!"

That you have heard him continue to profit from his businesses, in part by leveraging his position as President, to the point of overcharging the Secret Service for space in the properties he owns, and you have said, "That's smart!"

That you have heard him say that it was difficult to help Puerto Rico because it was in the middle of water and you have said, "That makes sense."

That you have seen him start fights with every country from Canada to New Zealand while praising Russia and quote, "falling in love" with the dictator of North Korea, and you have said, "That's statesmanship!"

That Trump separated children from their families and put them in cages, managed to lose track of 1500 kids, has opened a tent city incarceration camp in the desert in Texas - he explains that they’re just “animals” - and you say, “Well, OK then.”

That you have witnessed all the thousand and one other manifestations of corruption and low moral character and outright animalistic rudeness and contempt for you, the working American voter, and you still show up grinning and wearing your MAGA hats and threatening to beat up anybody who says otherwise.

What you don't get, Trump supporters, is that our succumbing to frustration and shaking our heads, thinking of you as stupid, may very well be wrong and unhelpful, but it's also... hear me... charitable.

Because if you're NOT stupid, we must turn to other explanations, and most of them are less flattering.

- Adam-Troy Castro

(To all who agree with its content, I ask that you PLEASE SHARE IT on your own post, and ENCOURAGE OTHERS to do the same.

Friday, January 24, 2025

Anyone believe it now?

I believe we are watching the rise of a dictatorship. I’ve said this for years and it fell on deaf ears. People only believe what they want to believe. You can’t make them see it, believe it or hear it. 

Thursday, January 23, 2025

I truly hope!

As I’ve navigated the past few weeks I’ve found myself rethinking my relationships with friends and family. I’ve had some really hard decisions to make. 

I’ve distanced myself from most of family that supports what we have going on in our country. While I understand they have the right to believe and support who they want, the same goes for me. 

I’ve had to re-evaluate the importance of these relationships and why I was even in them. I found many felt obligatory because they were family. Others were just familiar because we had known each other such a long time. 

It’s not that these people are less important, it’s just that my ethics, morals and beliefs are different. I tend to feel most comfortable around those likeminded.

It’s really hard to be authentic and true to yourself when surrounded by those with opposing views. Trying to have meaningful conversation is at best difficult. 

The next few years will be trying, for us all. We are only starting to see what this administration is really all about. Lies have already been exposed, and motives are being understood. Some, that voted for him are apologizing for not listening to those that tried so desperately to tell them. 

None, will come from this administration unscathed. We are a failing nation and should’ve expected more from our leaders. Some of us did. Having a woman, a brown woman as leader of our country was so horrible to some they would rather have what we got! As long as I live I will never understand this. I truly believe as time goes on, regret will be great, only it will be far too late to change a thing. 

As I stated earlier we are already seeing lies, backpedaling, criminals being released from prison just because they stood for the criminal president. Some are quick to point out the pardons the other side gave. Please understand He knew if he did not pardon these people our now president would’ve went after them only for the sake of revenge! 

I’m sickened by our lack of understanding in this country. I’m sickened by our prejudices! I’m sickened by the people married to foreigners yet voted for deportation of immigrants that are just trying to build a life! I’m all for deporting the criminals that have committed crimes! But most have not! That is a lie manufactured to confuse the supporters. 

I really have no sympathy left for those that voted for this. When you begin to understand, begin to see & things begin to affect you, do not expect me to be there for you. I tried to tell you, I pleaded with you to understand. I sent things for you to read and study, yet you still chose this. 

If you get hungry, don’t come to me! If you need shelter, don’t come to me! If you need money, don’t come to me! If you miss me, I’m sorry…should’ve considered that before voting against my rights, and my families rights. 

One more thing…you all can vote and the president can sign orders all day long trying to subdue LGBTQ+ but you know what? They will always exist…they have existed since the dawn of time and will exist for the rest of humanity. Get the fuck over it! If it don’t effect you, mind your own business! 

So, if you read this and we have been friends/family…this is our good bye! I wish you no harm. I hope, truly from the bottom of heart hope you get everything you voted for!

Until Next Time-