Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Who am I


As we go through life our wants, needs, and values change. We can even change who we are, to a degree. It’s not really changing it’s more coming into ourself and who we are at our core. Many things can influence who we are or think we are throughout our life. 

For instance, I was raised Christian and identified as such until I was 46 when a series of events occurred that caused me to pause and revaluate what I believed about life in general. I had been “programmed” my entire life to believe in a set of values that I now, at 46 had to deconstruct. It’s been a very hard journey. That’s why I started this blog in 2016. It was the start of self discovery.

I was raised in a very strict religion. I was raised in a subset of evangelicalism. Pentecostalism. Rules were a big thing, following what you were told was a big thing. Doing and saying all the things was taught from a very early age. 

We were told each week we were sinful and not worthy of life, and how we would burn in hell if we stepped outta line. There were lots of undertones about things as well, unspoken but known rules.

We of course were taught homosexuals were hell bound and a stench in gods nostrils, men shouldn’t have long hair, women shouldn’t have short hair, women should really wear dresses at all times, makeup was for harlots, wearing the color red was for whores, tv and card games were the devils tools. Questioning authority was being contentious. Women were subservient unless the male pastor thought you were “called” and then you could preach from the pulpit. Having babies and keeping house was your highest calling as a woman and anything outside of that made you “liberal”. Premarital sex was worthy of hell. Divorce was not an option not even in spousal abuse situations. I was raised in severe domestic violence. My mom refused to leave because divorce was “wrong”. So she stayed raising 3 kids in a war zone. 

My whole life was about men exerting control over women. As a young adult the pattern continued. Men treated me however they saw fit and I just took it. I was lied to, used, cheated on, hit, called names, not financially or emotionally supported…so the pattern continued. I went to jail at one point for a hot check because my daughter needed food and my husband at the time wouldn’t buy her baby formula or diapers because she didn’t belong to him. He refused to give me money or let me work. 

I was always what I considered a conservative as far as politics. Just grew up around that so that’s what I was. Or so I thought!

When I walked away from church my ideas, values, and beliefs changed. I began to question everything! I dug into the Bible to see what it reallly said about all these things. Homosexuality, women, men, immigrants, life in general.

I soon realized what I had been taught was not right!

First I realized King James that authorized the KJV 1611 Bible was one of, if not the very first person responsible for the Salem witch trials as well as many other witch trials. I have ancestors that were hanged in the witch trials. And here I was reading the book that this man who was responsible for 100’s of murders of innocent men and women, I was living my life based on how this book said I should. That was my biggest reason for beginning the rest of my studies. King James would most likely today be diagnosed as a delusional paranoid schizophrenic.

So just this alone was enough to make me question all else I had been taught.

Homosexuality was not even in the Bible until 1946. And yes you will find information both supporting this and dissing this. This was another huge one for me. Jesus himself said nothing about homosexuality. There have been homosexuals since the beginning of mankind. Why it bothers straight people so much is totally beyond me. 

I know many homosexual people and they are some of the most kind, loving, accepting people you will ever meet. If you fear them check your own sexuality. I think many people that are so against homosexuals is because they have questioned their own sexuality and they can’t admit that. They are fearful.

The next thing was, we were always taught to “love your neighbor”. As a young child of course I thought meant love the people next door! LOL! I realized when I was older that meant every human on the planet! Red, yellow, black and white, they are precious in his sight, Jesus loves the little children of the world…remember this Sunday school song?

Seems many were taught it, but as adults we seem to forget it! The racism in this country is real! And it’s typically from your so-called Christian’s. 

Que in 2016 Donald the con man Trump! He is the sole reason I no longer consider myself conservative! His stance on everything is just crazy. He is a horrible human being full of hate! He’s a convicted felon(34 times), child molester, rapist, grifter, con man, serial cheater, he said he’d  fuck his own daughter and calls himself a Christian! 

Sadly Christian’s support this! They flock to him like stink on shit! This is also when I decided Christianity had taken a very bad turn and I could not, would not and should not be part of it in any form or fashion.

See, I have huge heart! I care for the immigrant fleeing a bad situation, I love my homosexual friends and family, I understand sex and gender are not the same. Just because you are of the male sex doesn’t mean you of the male gender. And why should you care? Conservatives are so obsessed with what’s in someone’s pants. It’s creepy as hell.

Conservatives worry about a trans in their restroom! You do realize you have probably shared the restroom with a trans many times and had no idea! They ain’t out to see your junk! They really ain’t!

I believe women are just as smart and in many cases smarter than a man. I believe in the Sunday school song, all colors of people are precious. We all bleed red.

So who am I?

I am kind, but not nice. Know the difference. I will put you in your place in a heartbeat! I take no shit! Took shit off people for years! No more!

I support LGBTQIA- they ain’t out to convert you!🙄

I support the right of choice for women. What I do with my body is not YOUR business!

I am absolutely pro-choice. I have beliefs on when abortion is ok and when it’s not. Please don’t assume you know my position.

I do not support the death penalty. Not the same as abortion so don’t go there!

I believe in the right to practice what ever “religion” you choose and are called to. If you don’t like my beliefs, move on. Do not proselytize. I will end a relationship before it starts if you do. I do not share my beliefs unless ask. I ask the same respect.

I do not believe in bibles or prayer in our public schools. That should be reserved for home or church!

If you are a man that abuses women, animals and children. You need to be jailed! Period! 

I am an intuitive empath. Look that up if you don’t know what that is. Never lie to me…I know!🙂I can read you like book! You can’t fool me.

If you call yourself a “good” person and support a person that is an abuser, cheater, grifter, and child molester…you are NOT a good person! You are complicit in their behavior. I don’t welcome that in my life. 

If you can see wrong, and call what it is I can and will respect that. If you make excuses for bad behavior. You’re gone! I don’t play like that.

I 100% believe in Karma. What you put out comes back 3 fold to you. I also believe in helping Karma from time to time!😏

So I hope I’ve made clear who I am and what I stand for. This of course doesn’t even touch the surface on my complicated Scorpio self but you can get an idea.🙂I can be your best friend or your worst enemy…you choose!

Until next time…

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