The air was cold as I stepped outside this morning. It was quiet minus the dogs barking. I stopped a moment, took a deep breath. The cool air felt good in my lungs. It was refreshing. I looked around. The sun was shining, the spring grass is starting to come in, some trees have tiny buds on them. I know spring is near. I walked to hen house to let the hens out and to gather the eggs, I thought about how grateful I am to be in this place. Many would love to have what we have. We aren’t rich by a long shot, our struggles are real like others. We work really hard to have what we do. We’ve taken this piece of land that was once dirt rock and trees and turned it into a nice little homestead. It’s not pristine, or perfect. Seems something always needs done. It’s not worthy of Mary Jane’s farm magazine but it’s ours! And we have worked so hard to make it what it is. I am grateful.
As I gathered the eggs I felt a sense of peace. Quickly my mind turned to all the turmoil of the past years, weeks, months and recent days. I still held that sense of peace.
I haven’t always had peace, life hasn’t been easy. But I have survived. I am outspoken and don’t hesitate to tell you what I think! That’s offensive to some while others appreciate knowing where I stand on any given subject. My peace comes from finally feeling like I have a voice, and like I matter. My peace comes from knowing I have survived thus far and I’m strong! My peace comes from knowing there are others out there like me!
Winter is winding down, coming to its end, I have survived. Spring will soon be here and all the newness of life will emerge, warmth will once again return. My mornings will be spent drinking my coffee on my swing, watching my chickens peck the ground and hearing my goats bleat in the distance.
My countenance has started to lift and the seasonal depression I go through every fall/winter is starting to fade. I feel more energetic and joyful. It’s hard to find joy right now isn’t it?
All the turmoil we are facing. While some are enjoying it, many of us are struggling with it all. But just know we will be ok! Find your joy and peace wherever you can. Grab those fleeting moments and hug them tight! Embrace the small things and those things most take for granted. Smile often, laugh more!
Hold that cup of coffee/tea, take in the aroma and thank the universe you are here for such a time as this. We are here, in this time, going through these things because we are suppost to be! We each have a role to play. Know yours. Find peace in that. Never be silenced!
Never quit being you! You are important and your voice matters. The quickest way for evil to take over is to stay silent! Evil is surrounding us, it’s not even trying to hide anymore. It is suppressing minorities, anyone they think is not worthy. Money is at the root of it all. Don’t give up! Stay the course. You matter!
We are here to be a light in darkness. The beacon that lights the way for those ships lost in the dark. Never quit speaking out against evil. Our little homestead is a safe haven. I’ve always believed that. I always will. We will be a bright spot in the darkest of days that are coming. We will not let evil win in our lives or our hearts. We will speak truth loudly and boldly. We won’t be quiet. Light comes from truth!
Our homestead will serve a purpose in the years ahead. It brings me peace knowing that. It gives me incentive to keep going and forging ahead. The load is lighter when you know your purpose.
I want to help people, all people! Not just certain group of people. Not just people with skin like me. Not just people in relationships like me! We all bleed red. Sigh…my heart is burdened by what I see, hear and read.
I want to make a difference! Be better! It’s ok to angry! We should all be angry at what we are seeing. Speak up let your voice be heard!
This week, work to find your peace, find joy in the small things. Find peace one moment at time! Be grateful every minute of the day. Even in the midst of all this ugliness, there is beauty to be found! Do something good everyday! Put a grocery cart in a cart stall for an elderly person, let someone go before you in the checkout line, pay for the order behind you at Starbucks, compliment someone, if you see someone struggling to walk, help them! We can make a difference one kind act at a time! The universe sees!
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