Monday, February 24, 2025

Spring is near!

I woke this morning the house was quiet. Hubby had already left for a job that is quite a distance away, so he got an early start. I enjoy my quiet mornings so much. I fixed bottles for the goat kids, got them fed, let the dogs out, made my coffee and stayed in my thoughts.

So many thoughts this morning. I was so grateful for the quiet this morning. I don’t think those around me understand how much I enjoy my quiet and solitude. A feeling of peace was around me as I made my morning coffee.

I look out the window and I can see the goats. Some are eating the hay, others are quietly laying in the sun and enjoying soaking in the rays and enjoying the warmth! A few of the kids are running and frolicking enjoying the warmth. I wonder if they look forward to spring like some of us do. 

It’s been a long winter here on the homestead. Seems it’s been a lifetime. So many reasons why. My eyes shift to woods behind the goat yard and the trees are barren of their leaves, seems they have been asleep forever. Winter, while necessary for Mother Nature to do her thing is so plain. Everything feels so exposed and cold. It feels sad to me! Everything just looks sad and dead.

Backing up a bit, I was outside yesterday afternoon enjoying the nice weather myself, and decided to do a bit of looking in my flower beds. One was overgrown with weeds that I didn’t get to in the fall. As I was pulling them out I noticed my hyacinth was peeking through the soil. My heart was full! Spring is around the corner! As I made my way back to the house I looked down and saw a little dandelion! Both were next to some snow still left from our storm a few days ago. 

I love when the seasons meet like this. It reminds of what needs to be let go of in order to make room for the fresh and new.

Spring is a time of renewal. A time to start over. A reminder that death and cold must go in order to bring forth new growth. 

Our country is in a time upheaval. A winter if you will. People are sleeping and dormant unable to see what’s happening. It’s hard for those of us that do. The cold bitterness I see around me is scary! It’s unbelievable. I know with time some will wake up. Soon! I hope! 

I cling tightly to the belief that we will experience a spring time in our society very soon. Love, warmth and caring will once again surround us. I quietly imagine the ones that are so hate filled right now, coming from their slumber wondering how they stayed asleep so long. Some will feel bad that they got so caught up in the coldness, others will remain in a slumber, never waking and they will die from the lack of warmth. 

As hard as it is, we all must experience this time of winter. Even those of us that really despise this season. Some winters are harsher and colder than others. Our country is going through a very tough winter right now. I hold onto the idea that soon, spring time will emerge. Bringing with it a renewed sense of hope, growth, change and warmth.

Winter is a time of rest, a reset if you will. Things die back to go into a deep slumber. Leaves turn from green to orange, burgundy, gold and brown eventually falling from the branches. Leaving behind a barren and stripped tree. Growth happens but at a slower pace. Storms will come and halt life temporarily. Snow, ice, sleet will wreck havoc on our landscape. Limbs will fall under the weight of the winter snow and ice, trees will fall… Nothing will escape the brutality of the winter storm….Leaving us wondering if the warmth will ever return. Some winters leave lasting damage for years to come. 

I have to believe….

Eventually the snow and ice melts and warmth returns. New growth and understanding begins to happen and all the color of life begins to emerge. The springs rains come to wash away any signs of winter from the landscape, the birds once quiet, hiding from the winter begin to sing again, the leaves on the trees begin to come forth and line the landscape in beauty. Damage from the winter can still be seen like the fallen branches from the weight of the winter snow and ice, but there is always room for new growth to emerge. Trees sometimes fall under the weight if not anchored well to its base.

Winter time is a reminder for us to stay rooted and grounded and sheltered in the light and warmth, our base. We must continue to grow throughout our winter season. Stay rooted and strong in what’s right! Don’t be swayed by the cold winter winds we are experiencing! Stay the course. Even when the icy chill comes sweeping through, stay in the warm light! The warmth will return just as winter turns to spring and spring to summer. Surround yourself by others holding onto the light.

Times are hard right now. Many of us are feeling gripped by the hands of old man winter! But his grip is getting weaker by the day! A waking up is happening! Continue to wake up, wipe the sleep from your eyes, look around and you’ll see the damage from storm, but you’ll also see new things emerging. There must be winter before spring! Join me in holding fast to warmth I know is still here, right now it’s just being over ridden by the icy, cold, ugly grip of old many winter…but spring is near! Believe with me!

Until next time…

Love, light & warmth 

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