As I’ve navigated the past few weeks I’ve found myself rethinking my relationships with friends and family. I’ve had some really hard decisions to make.
I’ve distanced myself from most of family that supports what we have going on in our country. While I understand they have the right to believe and support who they want, the same goes for me.
I’ve had to re-evaluate the importance of these relationships and why I was even in them. I found many felt obligatory because they were family. Others were just familiar because we had known each other such a long time.
It’s not that these people are less important, it’s just that my ethics, morals and beliefs are different. I tend to feel most comfortable around those likeminded.
It’s really hard to be authentic and true to yourself when surrounded by those with opposing views. Trying to have meaningful conversation is at best difficult.
The next few years will be trying, for us all. We are only starting to see what this administration is really all about. Lies have already been exposed, and motives are being understood. Some, that voted for him are apologizing for not listening to those that tried so desperately to tell them.
None, will come from this administration unscathed. We are a failing nation and should’ve expected more from our leaders. Some of us did. Having a woman, a brown woman as leader of our country was so horrible to some they would rather have what we got! As long as I live I will never understand this. I truly believe as time goes on, regret will be great, only it will be far too late to change a thing.
As I stated earlier we are already seeing lies, backpedaling, criminals being released from prison just because they stood for the criminal president. Some are quick to point out the pardons the other side gave. Please understand He knew if he did not pardon these people our now president would’ve went after them only for the sake of revenge!
I’m sickened by our lack of understanding in this country. I’m sickened by our prejudices! I’m sickened by the people married to foreigners yet voted for deportation of immigrants that are just trying to build a life! I’m all for deporting the criminals that have committed crimes! But most have not! That is a lie manufactured to confuse the supporters.
I really have no sympathy left for those that voted for this. When you begin to understand, begin to see & things begin to affect you, do not expect me to be there for you. I tried to tell you, I pleaded with you to understand. I sent things for you to read and study, yet you still chose this.
If you get hungry, don’t come to me! If you need shelter, don’t come to me! If you need money, don’t come to me! If you miss me, I’m sorry…should’ve considered that before voting against my rights, and my families rights.
One more thing…you all can vote and the president can sign orders all day long trying to subdue LGBTQ+ but you know what? They will always exist…they have existed since the dawn of time and will exist for the rest of humanity. Get the fuck over it! If it don’t effect you, mind your own business!
So, if you read this and we have been friends/family…this is our good bye! I wish you no harm. I hope, truly from the bottom of heart hope you get everything you voted for!
Until Next Time-
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