Another year is coming to a close. It was a very hard years end, full of turmoil, sadness and questions unanswered. I had hoped that 2025 was going to be a better year. But seems that’s not the case. We will make the best of it, there’s not much else we can do.
I want to encourage each of you to own your truth even when it’s in opposition to those around you. The truth will set you free..truth does not cause bondage to anyone, not even those not like you. Right now so many are in bondage. Some don’t realize it yet, some soon will, others will never see it.
Hate is on the rise in this country and both sides of the political spectrum blame the other…the truth is…it is both sides to blame. We are so divided…we have lost our way. We are all clinging so tightly to out “pet policies” we can’t hear the other person. These pet policies create bondage! Let them go and seek truth!
I was conservative all my life…until…
Until 2016 when a reality tv star decided to run for president and subsequently won! Life has been hell since then. At least for some. The past few years have taken its toll on so many people. Those that support him I’ll never understand, but I try and I don’t hate them as humans…I hate what they stand for. The hate, the misogyny, the absolutely horrible things he has done.
In all fairness I wasn’t a huge fan of the last one either…but there was at least more professionalism and decorum. For me, that’s important. He didn’t take away freedoms, rights and stand at podium making fun of disabled people. All people should have rights to life, liberty and to persue happiness. Even if their happiness doesn’t look like yours!
I don’t want to listen endlessly how beautiful deporting families will be…or suppressing gays or any other of the mindless drivel that he spews forth. Speak with elegance and grace and make sense! Don’t talk about injecting disinfectant into your body to kill a virus! Yeah I know people say the last one couldn’t complete a sentence…again you are making fun of someone who has a known and documented speech impediment…but par for course with those types.
Moving on…I have reflected on my own feelings and thoughts this past year and have realized I need to put my focus on other things. Not ignore what’s going on by any means, but quit letting it consume me. The challenge is how not do that! I have decided to put my focus back on the homestead. I have set a few goals this year and I’m hoping to achieve a few of them. I think many of us have become so intwined in the political realm we no longer even know how to communicate without bringing it up! My own mother disinvited myself and others in my family for Christmas because we don’t follow a dictator wannabe! It broke me! It truly broke me. I’m beyond crushed. But I respected her decision and moved forward.
That was my deciding point to put this shit behind me, and focus on surviving hopefully, only the next 4 years. I need to find my peace again. It’s been lost for a long time now. I keep asking where to start…my only answer is just pick a place and begin the journey…so I did…a simple seed order. It brought me joy to order a few seeds. We have started the work on the hoophouse/greenhouse to get it back up and functional again. We are going to build a second one as well.
These small things give me hope, just a wee bit, but hope.
Hope in a future. I have been feeling like life is over…at least life as we have known it…I still believe that to a degree…things are going to be hard..I believe another pandemic is coming and not in the so distant future. It will be far, far worse than covid. I’ve said that for awhile. Prepare now. I’m not even going to write out all I believe…just suffice to say teotwawki is here!
I think my, our best course of action for coming together is not to support either side, stay neutral, listen closely, act accordingly! Keep your peace and believe you will be ok! I have to remind myself often that the day we found this piece of land I stepped from our truck and when my foot hit the dirt it was divinely spoken “this is your safe place”. I forget all to often those words. I need to have that on my wall where I see it everyday! Before that day, about a year before that I was told “be prepared”…I’m sure if you look back through the post over the years you’ll find where I talk of that.
I believe we are now in that time. The time I was warned about. I believe the next few years will present challenges like we have never seen. We need to band together rather than dividing.
There will be shortage’s of all manner of goods , price hikes, illnesses, death, destruction, terror attacks, crime, riots, power outages across the globe, maybe all at one time, maybe different places at different times, things we can only imagine. Things that will affect us all. All this on a large scale. It’s gonna be tough! It’s gonna be ugly!
I have vowed to keep my peace and do what I know I need to be doing. I, my family was placed on this land for a reason, a reason I’ve often lost sight of over the years…now is the time for me, us to forge ahead and diligently work at the task set before us. Our lives may depend on it.
This year for this blog I want to share things from our homestead…but for me it’s tricky as I’m huge on privacy. But I’m going to try to figure it out. I want to help people be ready for emergencies big and small. I believe something big is coming and we all need to be ready.
As we enter into 2025 I want to implore you to find/keep your peace, trust your instincts, listen, really listen to what’s said and bigger yet what’s not being said, watch what going on, don’t get sucked in to one side or the other that’s where you’ll fuck up! Remain neutral so you can clearly understand what’s coming from both sides…dig deep and you’ll find the truth…talking heads ain’t it!
Understand consequences to behavior, not just yours but the ones being made for us by those that don’t give a single fuck about you or me…remember they are all motivated by greed and power! Don’t fight with those that refuse to understand. They aren’t worth your time or energy. If you feel alone, you’re on the right path…the right path never has many on it…following the crowd or a cult will lead you to your demise! Never forget that! The path that leads to freedom is lonely…be it personal or collective!
I wish you all peace, happiness, joy and most of all love going into 2025.
Stay strong, stay vigilant, be watchful!
Until next time..
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