Thursday, December 26, 2024


Another Christmas has come and gone. The joy normally felt eluded me this year and I know it did many others. I think a sense of overwhelming sadness and regret took its place. 

I woke this morning and like other mornings before I just didn’t want to get out of bed. Tears filled my eyes as I remembered what I read yesterday. I feel numb and disconnected. I just want to go back a couple of months. Back when I felt happy and had hope. Now, I feel hopeless.

I hear the old mantra “Make America Great again” and I sit in confusion and ask myself what period of time was so great to these people? For many, the past few years was the greatest time in America. People felt they had rights that they had fought for. It felt like maybe we were overcoming the hatred that had plagued us long ago. Acceptance of those different seemed realistic to many of us! Yet, some banter make America great AGAIN!

Was that when we owned humans as slaves? Maybe when African America’s were segregated in schools and not allowed to use the same water fount as white people? Maybe it was when the KKK was out in full force? Perhaps when gays had to be silenced or subjected to abusive “conversion therapy”?  Maybe when gas was .99 a gallon..that will never be again!

When was it that y’all want great AGAIN? 

Maybe this time it will be Christian’s segregated? Maybe Democrats, moderates? Maybe unwed mothers will be hanged on the square? Maybe women that can’t bear children will be made slaves so they are “useful”…maybe men can decide to marry 10 year olds here in America! Maybe wife beating will go back to being a secret so that women can’t get help!? Sounds great!😢 

Maybe we can bring back all the childhood diseases we have all but eradicated in our country. That’s sounds fun and really great! Maybe rather continuing to make advances against cancer we can just drop all funding for research and those kids can just pass away! Yep! That’s what y’all voted for! Sounds like loads of fun for those marginalized and affected individuals! Oh! But wait, it doesn’t affect you so who cares right!? You can just pray for forgiveness when you realize you were wrong! When it does finally affect you or a loved one…then it matters and you want to be heard! Got it!

Oh! Then there overturning Roe vs. Wade! They did away with the federal law for abortion…turned it to the states…problem is, many states have such restrictive laws, women are dying…and they have made it crime to go out of state! Even miscarriages cannot get a D & C to prevent bleeding, sepsis and death! Does that make America great again? 

So now, women are dying 100% preventable deaths by way of bleeding out! But wait! That doesn’t affect you…until it does! Wow! That’s really great huh?! Tell that to the mom that lost her daughter to draconian laws, to the babies that lost their mom, the man that lost his partner! All preventable, but because 1 man wants to dictate to women their health care, here we are! A man that has no fucking clue about medicine or medical procedures and you can bet your ass he is totally clueless on how the body works and doesn’t really care! He just want to grab em by the pussy! We are nothing to him! He simply wants power! More than 1/2 of America gave it to him! You will regret it, mark my words! Wait till he comes after something you hold dear!

Yes! I’m angry! Yes! I’m hurt! Yes! I’m sad! I have to live with choices others made that hurt those that didn’t  make the choice! 

These thoughts run through my mind daily! My only solace these days is when I sleep. I wondered this morning if I could sleep for the next several years…lol…

I feel the only reason I get out of bed these days are my dogs. They keep me going. It certainly isn’t people that make me get out of bed.

Life is just horribly somber for so many. I know I’m not alone, but it feels that way. I am surrounded by people that embrace the nastiness, the hateful rhetoric and the disgusting and divisive language we read or hear daily. I’m scared…I admit it! I’m scared for the future, for our lives, for our very survival. It’s really hard to find hope right now….but I’m trying…

Christmas message from Trump and from Biden. My heart hurts for what’s coming to us all…

He had to make it about himself. He had to be hateful, disgusting and divisive! Not one mention of the “reason for  the season”…nope! Not one…but, but, but he’s a real man if God! Puuuullleeeeaaaasssseee! All y’all Christian’s following the antichrist…hope y’all know that! Need proof? I’ll send it to you!

You can hear more here

BELOW: Joe Biden’s partial message. So, whose language is divisive? Be honest! You can find his whole speech easily online.

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