Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Years End….

Another year is coming to a close. It was a very hard years end, full of turmoil, sadness and questions unanswered. I had hoped that 2025 was going to be a better year. But seems that’s not the case. We will make the best of it, there’s not much else we can do.

I want to encourage each of you to own your truth even when it’s in opposition to those around you. The truth will set you free..truth does not cause bondage to anyone, not even those not like you. Right now so many are in bondage. Some don’t realize it yet, some soon will, others will never see it. 

Hate is on the rise in this country and both sides of the political spectrum blame the other…the truth is…it is both sides to blame. We are so divided…we have lost our way. We are all clinging so tightly to out “pet policies” we can’t hear the other person. These pet policies create bondage! Let them go and seek truth!

I was conservative all my life…until…

Until 2016 when a reality tv star decided to run for president and subsequently won! Life has been hell since then. At least for some. The past few years have taken its toll on so many people. Those that support him I’ll never understand, but I try and I don’t hate them as humans…I hate what they stand for. The hate, the misogyny, the absolutely horrible things he has done.

In all fairness I wasn’t a huge fan of the last one either…but there was at least more professionalism and decorum. For me, that’s important. He didn’t take away freedoms, rights and stand at podium making fun of disabled people. All people should have rights to life, liberty and to persue happiness. Even if their happiness doesn’t look like yours! 

 I don’t want to listen endlessly how beautiful deporting families will be…or suppressing gays or any other of the mindless drivel that he spews forth. Speak with elegance and grace and make sense! Don’t talk about injecting disinfectant into your body to kill a virus! Yeah I know people say the last one couldn’t complete a sentence…again you are making fun of someone who has a known and documented speech impediment…but par for course with those types. 

Moving on…I have reflected on my own feelings and thoughts this past year and have realized I need to put my focus on other things. Not ignore what’s going on by any means, but quit letting it consume me. The challenge is how not do that! I have decided to put my focus back on the homestead. I have set a few goals this year and I’m hoping to achieve a few of them. I think many of us have become so intwined in the political realm we no longer even know how to communicate without bringing it up! My own mother disinvited myself and others in my family for Christmas because we don’t follow a dictator wannabe! It broke me! It truly broke me. I’m beyond crushed. But I respected her decision and moved forward. 

That was my deciding point to put this shit behind me, and focus on surviving hopefully, only the next 4 years. I need to find my peace again. It’s been lost for a long time now. I keep asking where to start…my only answer is just pick a place and begin the journey…so I did…a simple seed order. It brought me joy to order a few seeds. We have started the work on the hoophouse/greenhouse to get it back up and functional again. We are going to build a second one as well. 

These small things give me hope, just a wee bit, but hope. 

Hope in a future. I have been feeling like life is over…at least life as we have known it…I still believe that to a degree…things are going to be hard..I believe another pandemic is coming and not in the so distant future. It will be far, far worse than covid. I’ve said that for awhile. Prepare now. I’m not even going to write out all I believe…just suffice to say teotwawki is here! 

I think my, our best course of action for coming together is not to support either side, stay neutral, listen closely, act accordingly! Keep your peace and believe you will be ok! I have to remind myself often that the day we found this piece of land I stepped from our truck and when my foot hit the dirt it was divinely spoken “this is your safe place”. I forget all to often those words. I need to have that on my wall where I see it everyday! Before that day, about a year before that I was told “be prepared”…I’m sure if you look back through the post over the years you’ll find where I talk of that. 

I believe we are now in that time. The time I was warned about. I believe the next few years will present challenges like we have never seen. We need to band together rather than dividing. 

There will be shortage’s of all manner of goods , price hikes, illnesses, death, destruction, terror attacks, crime, riots, power outages across the globe, maybe all at one time, maybe different places at different times, things we can only imagine. Things that will affect us all.  All this on a large scale. It’s gonna be tough! It’s gonna be ugly!

I have vowed to keep my peace and do what I know I need to be doing. I, my family was placed on this land for a reason, a reason I’ve often lost sight of  over the years…now is the time for me, us to forge ahead and diligently work at the task set before us. Our lives may depend on it. 

This year for this blog I want to share things from our homestead…but for me it’s tricky as I’m huge on privacy. But I’m going to try to figure it out. I want to help people be ready for emergencies big and small. I believe something big is coming and we all need to be ready. 

As we enter into 2025 I want to implore you to find/keep your peace, trust your instincts, listen, really listen to what’s said and bigger yet what’s not being said, watch what going on, don’t get sucked in to one side or the other that’s where you’ll fuck up! Remain neutral so you can clearly understand what’s coming from both sides…dig deep and you’ll find the truth…talking heads ain’t it! 

Understand consequences to behavior, not just yours but the ones being made for us by those that don’t give a single fuck about you or me…remember they are all motivated by greed and power! Don’t fight with those that refuse to understand. They aren’t worth your time or energy. If you feel alone, you’re on the right path…the right path never has many on it…following the crowd or a cult will lead you to your demise! Never forget that! The path that leads to freedom is lonely…be it personal or collective!

I wish you all peace, happiness, joy and most of all love going into 2025. 

Stay strong, stay vigilant, be watchful!

Until next time..

Monday, December 30, 2024

Dead on!

 Been saying this but no one wants to hear it! Oh well! FAFO!

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Here we are!

Many saw it coming back then, many heard about it, many agreed, many were scared of it…yet here we are and no one recognizes it! In fact, they voted for it!

It gives me hope

Placed another seed order with Mary’s  heirlooms yesterday. Ordered a few things baker creek didn’t offer. I should be set for awhile, but I admittedly have an affinity for seeds. Guess it’s my addiction of sorts! That and farm critters😁. 

Plan on extending my herb garden this year with more medicinal herbs and get back into my studying of herbal medicine. I really do miss all this stuff, just had my mind elsewhere for a few years. Still do, but I’m trying to find the humor in the situation and keep my peace, what little I have left. I’ll get there!

Buying seeds and critters is generally cheaper than therapy, so that’s how I justify it🤣and you get far more out them! And let’s  face it, a tomato plant nor goat is going to repeat what you say while ranting during chores! They get to hear some colorful stories and language, you get to vent and it’s never going to get repeated and they keep on loving you regardless of your stance on things! They will keep giving veggies, fruit, milk and meat…I’d say that’s a win, win situation! 

This homestead keeps me grounded. It’s been awhile since I’ve been appreciative of what we’ve built. My heart, mind and thoughts have been elsewhere. I hate it, I really do. In all my life I’ve never been in such a place of disgust and disdain. I just wish I could go back to the time I was happy and didn’t know the things I now know. 

Cynical, that’s a word to describe how I have become. I don’t like it. I used to not be this way. Can you ever go back? I mean, can you ever overcome cynicism? If so how? I don’t like how I feel about people, things, life in general. I used to be a happy, take it as it comes kinda gal. I lost that in 2016. I became someone that had fear, worry, and doubt. It’s never left me. 9 years, 9 long years…when will it end? I thought it had! I thought we would all choose better!

I often wonder if I will live to see the end of this tumultuous time. I wonder if our ancestors wondered the same during their times of upheaval. I know I’m not alone, but it feels like it at times. I sit and stare out the window wondering if we will all be ok. Will I be ok. Am I ok!? I’m not the same anymore. I want to go back and find where I lost me but I’m not sure where that was..I think around 2013 with the church situation. Then it was compounded in 2016. There was so much that happened. Maybe it was/is depression that I’m not recognizing. I’m trying really hard to get back to a place where I’m ok. 

Each day seems a little better, so that’s progress. At least now I’m looking forward to something, my greenhouse and my garden. For years I didn’t even have that! So that’s progress. I’m still very fearful for what lies ahead. I understand I have no control. I’m angry at the ones that did! The ones that made the choice to take us all backwards. But, a day of reckoning will come to them all. Karma, I believe in Karma…it will always find you. For now I’m just going to try and focus on our homestead more and focus on getting myself better. I’ll keep having hope that the truth comes out and this madness stopped in its tracks! It is happening a little at time. That gives me hope!

Until next time…

Free speech?!

 So the party that is so huge on free speech is now censoring its own🤣 to be expected in all honesty! They are imploding!

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Terroristic threatening?!

 Yep! Another toddler in the White House! Didn’t expect anything different did you? Mr. Musk just threatened millions of magas! Are you surprised? He should be arrested and jailed!

Look, immigrants are the backbone of our society! To those that want them ALL deported, you clearly don’t get it. You simply cannot deport millions of  immigrants..there are a multitude of reasons why! 

Even Trump and Musk know and knew this…and now want to import more!…Lol..you were played! Trump knew exactly what to say to get your vote…he had/has a track record of lying, you believed all the lies even in the face of face of being told otherwise. It was all out there!

Friday, December 27, 2024

Change of focus

Changing direction for a moment! In light of one of my recent post wanting to get myself back and back on track and hopefully out of this funk I’ve been in for awhile I’m going to post about other things, or at least try! No promises🤣

I just completed a big seed order. I have lots of seeds but some were/are getting old and no one wants to plant tons of seeds only to have them not germinate. So I decided to replace some of my older ones. 

Our greenhouse/hoophouse hasn’t been used in a couple of years so we want to get it back in operation this season with new covering. I need something to occupy my mind and get me outside so I’m not sitting in the house rotting away with anxiety and worry. I need to be proactive rather than reactive! Farm man went into town to pick up the covering needed for the greenhouse so we can get it operational again. I’m actually feeling a bit excited at the idea of being back out there playing in the dirt planting seeds soon! 

We’ve had a really mild fall and winter isn’t looking to harsh either so hopefully I can grow some cooler crops in there really quickly! Lettuce, carrots, spinach etc…it will help give me something to focus on besides all the turmoil and chaos going on…at least that’s my hope. 

A change in focus can certainly help get our mindset back on track! I figure things right now are so destructive to our wellbeing, at least on my little slice of this rock I can be constructive!  Proactive vs reactive! Constructive vs destructive!  

Now if the sun would quit hiding I’d feel even better!🙂☀️

Things are hard for many of us right now! Lots of unanswered questions and lots of things don’t make sense!  Just keep hanging on…answers are coming…there is always a day of reckoning…right now for this minute, focus on the good…stay vigilant, don’t quit watching, listening and paying attention…but don’t let it consume you…things are happening that are scary…just do what you need to do to be ok! I understand how you feel! 

Do something that brings you joy! Don’t let evil win or beat you down! We can’t give up! Keep going! Better days are coming! Evil will not win, it can’t…it’s imploding! It will be brought down! 

Until next time…


Are you figuring it out yet?

Video 1Immigrants are not the enemy! Get it yet? 

Videos 2 & 3-How many times have I said you only have free speech if you agree with MAGA…How many fucking times have I said that?? COUNTLESS!! And you wonder why people are angry! We tried to tell you! You voted against your own best interest for what? Thinking prices would go down? He told you they wouldn’t but you didn’t listen or understand! Sorry, I can’t have sympathy!

You fucked around now you’re finding out! 

Thursday, December 26, 2024

I sure hope…

 Feeling a bit nostalgic tonight…decided to just visit some old blogs I used to read. Many are now gone, moved on to other things. 

So many changes over the years…for us all…I loved blogging about homesteading all those years ago..I really do miss it…not completely sure why I stopped, but seems many did around the same time.

I would love to go back to blogging about it, but not sure how…sounds silly doesn’t it?  How do I not know how? 

I guess I mean to say so many things have changed over time. We still homestead and have grown over the years. Learned a lot! But so many more pressing things have taken over. We are living in an uncertain world with so much going on homesteading seems almost frivolous! I think there’s also fear to talk to much about these things now days…fear of the powers that be taking what you’ve built. 

Oh! What I would give to go back to that time when my biggest worry was if I had enough goats🤣…I miss that time! My mind is now filled with clutter from the political realm terrified of the future for us all. Homesteading seems just bit less important I suppose. 

I’ve lost me somewhere a long the way of the past few years. In the past 13 years I’ve lost my dad, my best friend, my stepdad, my church family that meant the world to me…been through lots of political turmoil, a pandemic, a grandson born with serious issues, my husband had a heart attack and now my mom has cancer and more political turmoil…I’ve lost me somewhere in all this mess! I miss me! Not sure how get me back!

I so want to go back and enjoy life again…feel joy waking up knowing there is a semblance peace in the world and my homestead awaited just outside…I want to feel happy again…I remember everyday checking on my friends blogs reading about their day on their homesteads and writing about mine…writing about getting new chicks to raise, or a baby goat being born…writing about making bread or gathering eggs..so simple yet it connected us all in a way that is now gone…I wonder often about some of those people…do they wonder about me? 

Maybe soon I’ll get this thing figured out and feel better…I sure hope anyway! 

Until next time…



Another Christmas has come and gone. The joy normally felt eluded me this year and I know it did many others. I think a sense of overwhelming sadness and regret took its place. 

I woke this morning and like other mornings before I just didn’t want to get out of bed. Tears filled my eyes as I remembered what I read yesterday. I feel numb and disconnected. I just want to go back a couple of months. Back when I felt happy and had hope. Now, I feel hopeless.

I hear the old mantra “Make America Great again” and I sit in confusion and ask myself what period of time was so great to these people? For many, the past few years was the greatest time in America. People felt they had rights that they had fought for. It felt like maybe we were overcoming the hatred that had plagued us long ago. Acceptance of those different seemed realistic to many of us! Yet, some banter make America great AGAIN!

Was that when we owned humans as slaves? Maybe when African America’s were segregated in schools and not allowed to use the same water fount as white people? Maybe it was when the KKK was out in full force? Perhaps when gays had to be silenced or subjected to abusive “conversion therapy”?  Maybe when gas was .99 a gallon..that will never be again!

When was it that y’all want great AGAIN? 

Maybe this time it will be Christian’s segregated? Maybe Democrats, moderates? Maybe unwed mothers will be hanged on the square? Maybe women that can’t bear children will be made slaves so they are “useful”…maybe men can decide to marry 10 year olds here in America! Maybe wife beating will go back to being a secret so that women can’t get help!? Sounds great!😢 

Maybe we can bring back all the childhood diseases we have all but eradicated in our country. That’s sounds fun and really great! Maybe rather continuing to make advances against cancer we can just drop all funding for research and those kids can just pass away! Yep! That’s what y’all voted for! Sounds like loads of fun for those marginalized and affected individuals! Oh! But wait, it doesn’t affect you so who cares right!? You can just pray for forgiveness when you realize you were wrong! When it does finally affect you or a loved one…then it matters and you want to be heard! Got it!

Oh! Then there overturning Roe vs. Wade! They did away with the federal law for abortion…turned it to the states…problem is, many states have such restrictive laws, women are dying…and they have made it crime to go out of state! Even miscarriages cannot get a D & C to prevent bleeding, sepsis and death! Does that make America great again? 

So now, women are dying 100% preventable deaths by way of bleeding out! But wait! That doesn’t affect you…until it does! Wow! That’s really great huh?! Tell that to the mom that lost her daughter to draconian laws, to the babies that lost their mom, the man that lost his partner! All preventable, but because 1 man wants to dictate to women their health care, here we are! A man that has no fucking clue about medicine or medical procedures and you can bet your ass he is totally clueless on how the body works and doesn’t really care! He just want to grab em by the pussy! We are nothing to him! He simply wants power! More than 1/2 of America gave it to him! You will regret it, mark my words! Wait till he comes after something you hold dear!

Yes! I’m angry! Yes! I’m hurt! Yes! I’m sad! I have to live with choices others made that hurt those that didn’t  make the choice! 

These thoughts run through my mind daily! My only solace these days is when I sleep. I wondered this morning if I could sleep for the next several years…lol…

I feel the only reason I get out of bed these days are my dogs. They keep me going. It certainly isn’t people that make me get out of bed.

Life is just horribly somber for so many. I know I’m not alone, but it feels that way. I am surrounded by people that embrace the nastiness, the hateful rhetoric and the disgusting and divisive language we read or hear daily. I’m scared…I admit it! I’m scared for the future, for our lives, for our very survival. It’s really hard to find hope right now….but I’m trying…

Christmas message from Trump and from Biden. My heart hurts for what’s coming to us all…

He had to make it about himself. He had to be hateful, disgusting and divisive! Not one mention of the “reason for  the season”…nope! Not one…but, but, but he’s a real man if God! Puuuullleeeeaaaasssseee! All y’all Christian’s following the antichrist…hope y’all know that! Need proof? I’ll send it to you!

You can hear more here

BELOW: Joe Biden’s partial message. So, whose language is divisive? Be honest! You can find his whole speech easily online.

Monday, December 23, 2024

😯What in the hell!?

Click the link to view…😱I literally gasped at his words!


Year end reflections, 2024


As 2024 quickly comes to a close i’d like to take time to reflect on things I’ve learned this year. Many were hard lessons and many broke my heart.

I learned I miss the life I had before 2016. Life was much kinder to us all before then.

I learned family doesn’t love unconditionally. Family, some families only love and accept you if you fit in their mold and hold their same beliefs.

I learned family can hurt you worse than anyone else on this planet and be ok that they did! They idolize a person that does the same thing, so they think it’s ok!

I learned people I thought were good people really are not. They support and condone things that are abhorrent. 

I learned people really are ok treating those different from themselves with contempt.

I learned that those that shout freedom the loudest really only mean freedom if they are like them. If you are not Christian, if you are LBGTQ, if you are not white, if you believe in having a choice in healthcare and what to do with your body, and you are a different political party…then freedom is not yours! So, not freedom for ALL…it’s freedom for ALL LIKE YOU!

I learned hate is far more prevalent than love in the Christian community. It’s covered up with cherry picking scripture and spouting words from the mouth that sound nice! Dig deep…the hate is there…it runs really, really deep! Listen not to what is being said, but rather what is not!

I also learned I am a good person with a big heart! That has a soft spot for the less fortunate and marginalized.

I learned I have empathy for the marginalized and those not like me.

I learned I see through the bullshit most don’t!

I learned those like me are not liked much! We tell the truth in the face of lies! We have gifts that are intimidating to most people. We are misunderstood.

I learned my circle was really just a dot! I had to let a lot of people go this year. It was painful but it had to happen! Allowing yourself to be surrounded by negativity and bully’s will throw off your energy! Do not allow it!

I learned life is so very short…make the most of it while you are here. Just be a good person, love everyone, treat ALL with dignity and respect. Realize we are all human beings just trying to muddle through life. We all feel the same feelings, bleed red and just want to be loved.

I learned most people are not who they pretend to be. People that are authentic and real, like me, are rare!

I learned to trust my instincts and respect my gift of discernment. I also learned most people won’t listen when you try to tell them what’s on the horizon. Sadly they will find out to late!

I learned most people will accept horrific behavior from people as long as they can justify it in some way.

Over all I learned what and who I don’t want to be! I don’t want to be a Christian that treats their family member like shit because they don’t agree with them. I want to be a person that loves all people even those that don’t fit in, especially those that don’t fit it! I want to continue to have empathy for those that have left violence  and sought refuge in a country they believed was better. I want to continue to speak truth about what is happening even when it falls on deaf ears or people try to defend their position. Truth is truth…it doesn’t change! I will also continue to distance myself from those that treat me unkind, threaten or harass with me with hateful rhetoric.

I am not perfect! I feel anger, rage, contempt just like you. Difference is I feel it when other people are being mistreated and you feel it when you feel you are being mistreated! Our leaders have instilled in our minds we, the Americans are victims of some huge plan to hurt us. We can’t see we are hurting ourselves with our hatefulness. Our leaders are hurting us.😒

Going forward I’m going to do less on social media and focus on things that are beneficial to others and their wellbeing. I will continue to bring awareness to the truth even when it’s hard. 

I will continue to learn to embrace who I am and what I stand for and will also help others accept themselves for who they are. 

I will not allow those that support hate to be in my life. It’s not who I am and not who I want to be. We must let go of all manner of unkindness if we ever want to get back on track. But realistically I know that will never happen. People like hate, it gives them a sense of control and power. 

I will continue to blog and I will continue to spread awareness from a non partisan perspective. Hate is non partisan and so is love and kindness. 

My heart hurts and is heavy. I’m honestly not sure how to move forward other than one step at a time and to continue to defeat lies with truth & hate with love. 

I’m still sad, but getting better…I’m learning to be proactive rather than reactive. I am a passionate person when it’s a subject I care deeply about. When I know beyond a doubt I am right, I will not be silenced or backed into submission. I will fight for the rights of those being marginalized and mistreated based on their gender, race, and beliefs. 

I have to wonder if my passion about marginalized and mistreated people come from ancestors accused of witchcraft and killed. They, the Christian’s, didn’t kill witches, they killed innocent men and women. Our witch hunts today are based on the same bullshit of those that are different…only today is it’s not “witches” we are looking for…think about that! 

My hope going into 2025 is that we can all look inward, not outward….inward, and ask ourselves why we believe the things we believe? We need to ask the hard questions, not of each other, but of ourselves. Why are we allowing ourselves to be influenced by people that don’t give 2 fucks about us…you!  Why? Because they fill a need within yourself to be in control? They bring out the worst in humanity! We are seeing it before our very eyes and yet we cannot admit it! Did we learn nothing from our history in 1632? 

We’re failing. We are failing as a society, as individuals and as a country. A house divided cannot stand! And each side blames the other…Ask why you’re not seeing it too, if you’re not! 

I’m going to close for now…I hope you take time to reflect on this past year, but more importantly on yourself….things you could’ve done better, how you could’ve been more understanding, kinder…why you support the things you do…and be honest…no one will have to know your answers…they are yours alone…I wish everyone well going into 2025. Stay safe, be vigilant and love each other!

Until Next Time…

The homestead lady

Sunday, December 22, 2024


 Maybe if they could see their fellow humans as they say their God does, they would find themselves in a much better place. Maybe more people would believe if they saw love for ALL mankind, not just those like them. There is no hate like Christian love!

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Understand it yet?

Understand it yet? See it yet? Or you still think all is well? Is this how America should be? Since when do we threaten to get people not like you to follow? Is this how it will be across the board soon? If you’re not Christian? If you’re not white? If you don’t listen to the same news station? See where this is headed yet? Do you?


Friday, December 20, 2024

Thursday, December 19, 2024

A new low!

 Cut their wages rather than funding for children! Guess when one of their kids or grandkids get cancer, God forbid, and they can’t get treatment or meds…they’ll figure it out! This is horrific! So much for pro life huh?!🤬 The whole pro life stance is about controlling women and their choices. Make them have babies that will be in the system, drug addicted, homeless, abused…then bitch when the mom needs assistance to raise that baby she was forced to have and don’t allow the kid free lunch or healthcare! Make it make sense people! They are pro pregnancy not pro life! Think about that!

Laugh or cry?

 Why is it so hard for this man to understand things and just be truthful? I don’t get it! He’s not joking and things like this aren’t funny! He’s a bully! And that’s wrong! Does he think the American people are so stupid we don’t understand things? It’s literally mind blowing! Not sure if I should laugh or cry!🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️

Monday, December 16, 2024

Strange times


It’s so great to be feeling better, not where I was, but better. I’m focusing on the homestead and doing what I can to stay busy. Christmas this year will just my oldest daughter and her husband and kids. My youngest lives far away and sadly my mom uninvited my oldest to her home based on a stupid meme on Facebook. My mom isn’t even on Facebook but some of her family is and they apparently told her about it.🤦‍♀️ This stuff is so out of control. My mom in turn ask me to tell my daughter she was disinvited…such a coward!…LOL..at that point I told her I would not be coming either. My daughter has every right to post whatever she wants as does everyone. If you don’t want to see what someone post you can unfriend them! It’s pretty simple! I unfriended people on Facebook and just kept my dad’s family. That was my choice. I like a really small circle. I struggle with seeing multiple posts with multiple opinions a day…it’s overwhelming to me. I prefer to read legit news sources from both sides not memes or opinions.

To intentionally share someone’s Facebook post, to cause division, dissension, trouble …knowing what will happen, you are a lowlife piece of shit! Sorry…oops! Not sorry!

I’m so over the maga people…I really am! They have caused more harm than any other political cult in American history outside of Hitler. They are so concerned with freedom of speech yet here they are disinviting family members to holidays for expressing and exercising their right to free speech and DJT suing news stations because they used a word he don’t like! Do y’all not see where this is headed? For real? Do y’all not see it?

I understand this is life now…those of us that aren’t responsible for the choice, we will figure out to get through…we will…but certainly don’t expect things to be like they were between us! My mom broke my heart and my family’s.

My daughter is a good person with a big heart. She cares deeply about her daughters and everyone’s daughters and their rights. She cares for our world. She is heartbroken her own grandmother has decided she’s not worth her time. Who does that? What kinda messed up cult makes you act like this? 

I think we have far bigger issues to deal with that someone’s meme or post on Facebook…ugh! Sad what we have all allowed to happen to us…all over politics 

So, in order to cope I have been working on projects, getting my house in order. We all should be. What’s coming down the pike is going to be hard. I hope we all make it! I’m staying to myself and just being quiet. I don’t know what else to do…I really don’t. I feel lost…I’m just trying to find my way again…and I will! I am feeling better…at least now I feel like I can function and not be in a vegetative state…lol…I felt frozen for a few weeks…like I just couldn’t move or think…I’m beyond that and I’m grateful…I understand what I’m to be doing now..preparing my home, my heart and my family. That’s where my focus is. 

I’m no longer asking why…there is no good reason why, other than some are full of hate, some like to feel in control and others simply were duped…they believed what they were being told…now, many are seeing the lies and deception…to late! Hard to have sympathy. 

It’s best I just stay to myself…lol…I seem to offend even when my intention was never to do that. I just speak my mind. I don’t sugar coat shit! People really struggle with brutally honest people these days…lol..honesty is sadly becoming a thing of the past! The more you lie, cheat, steal, abuse and bully the more respect and followers you seem to have. Makes no sense to me! But it does speak volumes to the mindset and way of thinking people are leaning these days. Absolutely terrifying!

So for me, I’ll continue to be a light in the darkness. I’ll stand up for the less fortunate, the marginalized and I’ll continue to fight for our mother…Mother Earth! She’s sick and if we don’t help, we will not have a home! I’ll fight for those different than me to be able to live a productive life and to persue life, liberty and happiness. We don’t have the right to others how to be! If you don’t understand the LGBTQ community that’s ok! But let them be! They aren’t  hurting you! They aren’t trying to influence children..that ridiculous…I’m far more concerned about the “rape/sexual” abuse culture we live in. And how our “leaders” are promoting it and normalizing it! How our voices are being suppressed if we disagree or say a word that someone doesn’t like. And it’s happening by the same persons that were suppost to uphold free speech, that’s one reason he got in! Those who actually do tell the truth are the enemy and fools!  Crazy! I’ll never understand. 

Anyway, please stay watchful…lots of weird stuff going on. Pay attention…read between the lines! Be honest with yourselves. Don’t buy the bullshit…

Until next time..

Yep! Some of us already knew this!


Sunday, December 15, 2024

Signs in the skies


I am finally feeling better! Not sure why it takes me longer than others to process my feelings, but it does and that’s ok! What’s important is that I work through them in my own time!

I am no longer sad, just feeling very concerned, with good reason. Things are coming that are not going to be good or pleasant for any of us regardless which side of the fence you reside. You can mark my words!

I remember a dream in my very early 20’s that involved what back then what I thought was weird airplanes but now understand them to be drones. 30 years ago drones were not heard of….They covered the sky as people were screaming and crying…these things were being shot down and crashing to the ground in a firey explosion. It was war…there was no where to hide, no where to run..in my dream I was in the NY city area at least that’s what I thought at the time…though I’ve never been there. It was terrifying as I looked on in horror with people trying to escape but there was none…parents running carrying children, bodies in the streets bloodied…the stench was horrific…I’ll never forget that dream! It was awful. Still remember it today like I dreamt it yesterday! There were streaks in the sky…like contrails, there were fire steaks, things hitting buildings…the crying and screaming was piercing! There were safe zones but you had to know where they were…if you knew you were one of the lucky ones. 

With the drone situation it makes me uneasy. I live very rural in a state where these are not being mentioned much, but even out here we are seeing them. It’s quite disturbing. I have several videos of them.

I really feel like our military/gov. Is looking for an inside threat. We need to be watchful and alert! Pay attention!

Don’t be so partisan you can’t hear the other side. Facts will remain the same no matter which side. Facts are truth…the truth doesn’t change. The devils in the details…listen carefully! I listen to both sides as long as they are not extremist. There are extremist on both sides of the fence. I am not on either side…I am in the middle.

I don’t dislike either party…what I dislike are candidates that’s are just not fit for office and extremist. I don’t care which side you are on! If you a criminal, an abuser, a liar, a serial cheater, and a serial child molester, narcissist, a bully to threatens to try and get your way or a gaslighter…you will not get my support no matter what policies you have. If you a person that supports that…I just can’t…

I was a “red” all my life…until about 2016...that’s when I became an independent. So don’t think you have me pegged as to what I am or believe, because I can assure you, you don’t!😉

I think right now, it is time to drop the bullshit of politics and realize America is failing…it us failing at a fast rate of speed…our division is fueling the fire and the powers that be are loving it! Some thrive on attention like a toddler…they do all manner of crazy things just to stay in the spotlight…

We are in trouble…more trouble than we realize…why do I say that? Many reasons..look in the sky? What’s going on? We are being kept in the dark…why? Something is happening…prepare your family and home…I have an idea of what’s happening…but I will not say…just pay attention…be careful who you listen to!…this isn’t innocent…it’s serious. There are some people talking that I trust and I think they are on to something…just be watchful.

Until next time…

Be watchful, be vigilant and pay attention!

Monday, December 9, 2024

It hurts us all


Total collapse of your smarts!

 This was one of my favorite songs in the 80’s…this parody remake will now be a favorite going into the next 4 years! Enjoy!

Thursday, December 5, 2024

It goes against everything!

 I have the same question…if you want America to be great “again”…when do you want to back to? Why is it bad now? What exactly do think will make it “great AGAIN”?

Originally written and published in 2012

I’m going to shift gears here and write about how to prepare your family for the hard times I believe are coming. If you don’t believe it, that’s ok. You do you! This is a 12 year old article I wrote for the American prepper network in 2012. The information is certainly relevant today! 
With all the talk of pantry stocking and prepping, I often wonder if many are missing a crucial part of being prepared: working towards self-reliance for the long term. Now, don’t get me wrong, pantry stocking is great. Storing supplies are necessary, but if it all comes crashing down, there needs to be a plan in place for when the food runs out.

In this writers opinion, the best way to achieve as much self-reliance as possible is to have a few of acres and lots of grit and guts! I realize not everyone can rush right out and purchase acreage, but if you are one of the lucky ones that already have a couple of acres, now is the time to begin planning for your future. As I said, pantry stocking is a good thing, but even if you have 6 months to 1 year of food stored and there is an extended time of trouble (job loss, illness or other teotwawki situation) that food will eventually be gone and then you are left figuring out what to do next. If you plan well, your pantry will sustain you while you are setting up your self-reliant homestead.

One of the easiest things to begin with are chickens. Chickens are great foragers and garbage disposals so feeding them is relatively cheap. They reproduce fairly rapidly so you can keep a fairly decent sized flock going. You will need more than just a couple of birds to get started and maintain a good amount for eggs and meat. Here we keep all hens hatched for eggs and butcher all the roosters. Sometimes we use the hens for bartering purposes. We bartered 3 hens for our duroc pig.

Rabbits are also a wonderful asset to the self-reliant homestead. They are great for meat, fertilizer and reproduce very quickly. A few females and a couple of males will allow you to fill a freezer in no time and keep you in meat indefinitely.

Dairy goats are also a great addition for a smallish homestead that does not have room for a dairy cow. Saanen and Nubian dairy goats are great milk producers and can keep your family in milk for around 9 months out of they year. Staggering breeding can keep you in milk year round. Goats milk can be used for such things as cheese making, ice cream, soap making and just everyday drinking. Meat goat breeds can help fill the freezer. Their manure as I mentioned in another article is great fertilizer.

Of course a garden is very important in attaining self reliance. Having a garden gives you the ability to not rely on the grocery stores for many fresh and canned vegetables. Learning to home can is one skill a prepper cannot be without. Same with having a few fruit trees.

It is my opinion that self-reliance is the key to surviving any long term situation. Having replenishable food sources, such as meat, eggs, milk, vegetables, fruits and grains is vital. Skills are also a huge part in becoming self-reliant. Without skills, all else is futile. You must have some basic gardening, building, repair skills and some basic knowledge of first aid for humans and animals alike. There may not always be someone at your disposal to do those things for you. Getting to the point of being fairly self-reliant is hard. It is not for the faint at heart. It takes hard work, determination and a lot of sacrifice. But, by beginning your self-reliant journey today, you could very well save your family tomorrow.

Written by me, The Homestead Lady, and published on APN in 2012

Tuesday, December 3, 2024



Perhaps a year from now I’ll be able to look back on all these post and realize my feelings were silly or unwarranted….or maybe I’ll look back and realize they were spot on…time will tell…perhaps all this is a bad dream rooted in fear of change…

For now I’ll continue to write about my feelings to help me work through them. And maybe someone else will benefit as well…I’m not going to apologize or feel bad for the way I feel….They are what they are. I’m sad…I feel almost like all the love and compassion has left…like one day we all still had some semblance of  caring and love but on one day in November it all disappeared…the hope, compassion, love, and kindness…like a huge vacuum came in and sucked it all up…

All the light became surrounded by darkness…its closing in and I turn circles trying to find my way, I become more and more squeezed… I see other lights but they too are feeling squeezed by the darkness…we keep trying to hang on to the light….

I had a dream last night…there’s was a winding brick road, it reminded me of the yellow brick road in wizard of oz…only the road was black bricks…on either side of the road was trees, like a Forrest…dense and dark…the road was dark…there was a dim light shining...barely enough to see your hand in front of your face…but it was there.

On this road was a man…he was in a dark suit, he walked with an arrogant confidence, he was without emotion, his black shoes clicking on the brick with each step was all that could be heard in the darkness…it seemed so loud and cold…there were onlookers in the distance, on the road behind him…at first many were confused by his presence…some were eager to follow, others needed a bit of convincing… but one by one they began to follow him…those that were not sure eventually gave in at the nudging of their family or friends…there were pastors, business owners, young people, children being carried by their parents…there were farmers, old people, sickly people and strong people…people from all walks of life began to walk behind him…the darkness swallowed them up…there were hundreds of thousands walking, blindly following this man into complete and utter darkness…they seemed emotionally void…it felt like they gave up their “gooodness” and love for their “neighbors”…all the understanding they ever had, was traded in to follow this man. 

It was surreal…it felt lonely, sad, confusing, desolate…In the trees were people holding candles with very small flames…what dim light there was, was coming from the candles they carried…they would come from the woods and tell the followers not to follow..that the road led to destruction and darkness...but it was as if they were deaf, mesmerized by the dark figure leading them to destruction…some would turn and glare at us or tell to be quiet they knew who the man was and he was going to save them…the man never spoke, he just quietly walked…slowly, methodically walked…he was on a mission of destruction and ruin…he slowly walked into the deep abyss of black and took all that he could with him.

There was such sadness in the trees…it almost felt like the trees were weeping with us…the air was cold and damp…it felt void of any love, or warmth just like the man…the trees would be green and beautiful but as he passed by the trees turned black and the leaves died and disappeared…In the trees were people in white robes holding candles, the candles were the light…it was dim light but none the less it was light in the darkness…the light holders were all the love and warmth that was left…they stood among the dead and desolate trees hoping to bring back the life that was once there….the light holders weren’t quiet sure why they were sad other than they knew the man seemed to bring destruction to all he passed by or touched…they sensed a change and profound sadness and confusion  for the people following. They just instinctively knew it was wrong. They ask among themselves how do they not understand the darkness leads to no where other than death and destruction?…they just shook their heads in disbelief and continued to stand among the barren trees, holding their candles hoping at least some would decide the darkness was to horrible and come into the light for shelter…

Some in the trees wept as they felt they could not reach these people. Sadness was heavy. They felt helpless…these people were family, friends and loved ones…they didn’t understand why they were following…confusion was what I kept feeling in my dream. Confusion and a profound sadness and sense of loss. I woke feeling sad…

While it was a dream, it explains so clearly my feelings…it perfectly depicted what I feel is happening…I feel helpless, but not hopeless…I still have hope…it’s all I have…

Maybe this time next year, I will re-visit this post…and perhaps I’ll realize it was all silly and unwarranted…perhaps it’s all a dream based on fear!

Until next time…

Monday, December 2, 2024

Why? It begs an answer!

 Yep! This is what most voted for! I’m just sickened by this! Putin is his idol! He’s trying to act like him! Why the fuck can’t people see this shit?! Why? We won’t last 6 months after the inauguration at this rate!