Friday, November 29, 2024

Peace, Love & Light

 lay in bed this morning after waking up staring up at the ceiling wondering what in the hell is going to happen to us…how did we get here…tears stung my eyes, a lump formed in my throat…I took a deep breath and told myself it’s going to be ok…my cell phone alerted me to a text…I reluctantly looked at it…I put it back on the nightstand for a few minutes…I needed to get my thoughts in order…I answered the text…but my heart was just not into talking this morning…I just can’t get out of this slump…somedays seem better…then it hits me all over again…

This isn’t the typical “holiday” blues…this is different…as an intuitive I am able to discern things, feel things…and I hope I’m wrong about so many things…

I’m scared for our country…my family…my friends…I feel like I’m in a nightmare that won’t end…I can’t wake up! I want to, I want to go back to the time when it wasn’t like this..when we, or at least some of us didn’t fear for our very survival the next few years! 

As self employed people with small business so much effects us differently than others…tariffs will ruin this economy…I can see another Great Depression headed our’s terrifying…I see serious illness, death, food shortages and price increases like we’ve never seen, many businesses will be forced to close because they won’t be able to maintain…it was all foretold…many didn’t listen or understand what it meant! Now we all pay! 

I don’t know how to talk to people these days…I’m over my anger…but my sadness is deep…I’m fearful…fearful for my kids, my grandkids…me and my husband…

Those who did this will get what they deserve..unfortunately those of us that “understood the assignment” will have to pay as well! I still have a tad bit of hope that the powers that be will do the right thing and stop some of this craziness. 

I hope most of us get through this…we will be different when it’s over…I don’t believe society will ever be the same…I grieve over what was…my heart is so very heavy, my eyes sting with tears as I write this…I encourage all of you to pay attention and prepare for what’s ahead.

I encourage each one to try and stay focused on the positive, reach out to those that are like minded, limit your time and energy with those who are not. Prepare your homes & your hearts. Be a light in the darkness…speak truth and never stop! I am determined to light the path in the next years of darkness…I know we will come out on the other side hopefully with a better understanding of equality for all and less hate for those different from “the norm”. There will be those that continue to hate no matter what…they will enjoy the next few years of the hate spewed from the powers that be…they will wallow in the mud and rain with pigs and enjoy the chaos and division…I hope you, like me will choose to find the green pastures and sunshine and bask in the warmth of love and acceptance. 

A lady by the name of Deloris Cannon once spoke of a new earth and how high vibrational people will go there…the lower vibrational people stay on the old earth with the fighting and division…this is paraphrased of course…It gave me hope to think maybe if there’s any truth to this, that some of us can move away from the darkness and low vibrations in the near future. We can move on to a more peaceful existence, an existence with acceptance, an existence with love and equality. 

Hope is all we have…surround yourself with people who have hope and don’t give into hate. Support the people that support you. It’s ok to try and converse with those that hold a different view…but when you see they aren’t willing to listen or hear you…move on. Save your energy. People that say “we can agree to disagree”…yeah…move on…they aren’t interested in hearing you! They are committed to their ideology and cult leader…they don’t research, they don’t have the facts other than what they hear from friends, or their leader…they say that because they have no facts to back up their stance. Let them be!

I also encourage you to read/listen their side so you better understand where they are coming from…be ready to offer facts and back them up. Many of the higher ups on that side package their words in nice little boxes so they sound good…the deeper message is in there, you have to know how to read between the lines. They always tell you what they are going to do….you just have to be able to listen and discern.

I’m going to sign off for now…stay alert! 

I’m thinking about all of you like me that are hurting, trying to make sense of all this…I wish you peace, love and light!

Until next time…


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