Sunday, October 6, 2024

The winds of change

 The landscape is changing here on the homestead, trees are dropping leaves, flowers are dying back, the garden

has finally quit and temperatures are getting cooler.

As I stare off in the distance I think about how the landscapes of our society is changing. Some good, some bad and some stressful.

We are in a state of discord in our country and it’s quite concerning. I have never seen it like this. It’s worrisome to say the least. We find ourselves staying home more and more and when we do socialize we prefer to stay with likeminded people that we know and trust.

It is coming into a time of rest here in the homestead but I fear a time of societal unrest is coming soon. I truly hope I’m wrong…I’m not sure how we allowed ourselves to get to this place…I have speculation but won’t share here, at least yet. It’s saddens me to see families, long term friendships, neighbors all bickering or no longer speaking over political divide. 

I clearly see where the fault lies, and that is within each of us as an individual. Most cling so tightly to their beliefs  that cannot see what those  beliefs are doing to our country. They cling to their lies, their hatred, their prejudices, their wrongly placed loyalty and will not budge. They will fight to the end…for what? Ever ask yourself that? For want…

What does all this matter at the end of the day? Will the side you choose really give 2 shits about you? Do they even know you exist? The answer is No! So why are we allowing people that don’t even know we exist to shred the fabric of our society? Why? Why are we allowing them to tear apart family’s and friendships? 

For what? What are you gaining? What do you think you’re gaining? 

You should be asking what you are losing! 

Change is inevitable..we need change…there are things going on that are just wrong! Constitutionally, morally and spiritually. You can choose to resist the change and do irreparable damage to yourself, your relationships and your family or you can embrace change and grow as a human being. 

We must remember nothing stays the same, everything and everyone is in a constant state of change…it’s just how it is! Change is never painful it’s the resistance to change that we as humans struggle with. 

I’m ready for change. We need to continue to evolve as a society and as humans. I’m tired of the status quo and the constant judgement of other people. I’m tired of the anger coming from one side or the other, I’m tired of the lies that are only serving to make things worse.

We all must look in the mirror and ask ourselves what part we play in all of this…are you guilty of spreading hate, lies, misinformation? Or are you trying to unite people, find commonality and embrace change for the better?

I know where I am! I want better, I want freedom for all not just ones like me…. I want acceptance of all, not just ones like me. I want to feel free to live my life as I see fit without government interference…I want to be able to make choices best for my life and not have the government tell me what’s best for me! I want peace!

The winds of change are blowing in…unfortunately I am so afraid of what else those winds are stirring up…prepare now!…time is running out!

Until next time..


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