Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Those pesky questions

Sitting here on my swing in the shade with glimmers of sunshine coming through the trees occasionally I feel content yet sadness. I have felt sadness for awhile now. Not depression but just a nagging feeling missing what was…I remember a time when people got along, when you ask a question you got answers not just default to “it’s what I believe.”Asking questions were not considered arguing or debating…questions were respected and encouraged…but, those days have ended. Seems we are all left with figuring it out on our own and allowing people to live in the bubble they create for themselves to insulate from anything that doesn’t go along with their narrative or beliefs. They fear questions maybe…or is it the truth they fear? The truth can be hard! I’m finding more and more people only want to hear what aligns with their thinking. Truth aludes them. They prefer chaos over peace, lies over truth and fiction over fact! They cling to “their truth” over the actual facts. It’s disheartening to say the least. 

Questions are how we learn, how we bounce ideas off one another, how we check our own thought process against others! If we aren’t afforded this opportunity we simply cannot grow as individuals, as people, as a society. Generic default answers do nothing more than show a persons ignorance and unwillingness to use critical thinking skills. 

Remember when your kids were small(if you have them) and how they ask questions all the time…they had a curiosity about you and the world around them. They had such a magical and excited smile when discovering something new when we explained about lizards or spiders or the moon! They were unlocking and discovering new things daily…sometimes the questions seemed non stop…lol…but had we not answered each one how would they have learned? They might have eventually gotten answers from someone but the point being we engaged them to teach them…most parents didn’t have a default answer to every question ask! 

If people are going to slander and make crazy wild accusations about someone then they need to be able to back up those claims! We can’t just go around on a whim saying crazy shit about people and just expecting others to believe it! Some will of course, but many will not and you need to be able to have solid answers for your statements. If not it proves you are doing nothing more than regurgitating crap you have been told! Sorry, but the “just how I perceive it” folks are the problem with our society! No critical thinking skills at all. Just stick their head in their holy book and call it day! Denial is powerful! Deny the truth so you feel good about your ignorance.

I’m getting old and some say cranky…lol…but I still have curiosity about things…I do ask questions, lots of them! It’s how I learn…other adults may be happy with the status quo but unfortunately I’m not one of them…lol…I still believe in the wonder and miracles of life…it’s sad to me others don’t …

No matter what I’ve gone through in this life I still feel it worthy of living, worth exploring, and worth asking the really hard questions. I am learning that’s not always safe to do…not necessarily in a physical sense but in an emotional or mental sense. People can be harsh and even mean….it makes me sad this is where we are. People revert to accusations of arguing or debating. Intelligent conversation has went away…not in all people but most. I long to find a friend that can I can sit down with and talk about the hard things, the weird things, the real things…the things we both wonder about! I had that once and she’s now on the other side. It makes me sad.

I am so grateful that even at my age I still have the wonderment of a child…a thirst for knowledge and a never ending barrage of questions swirling around in my head. I’ll not live long enough to have them all answered, but while I’m here I will always ask them!

Questions are important! We must ask them in order to understand the world in which we live. If we don’t we are subject to falling for anything! 

I wish to all who reads this a beautiful day full of wonderment and joy!

Until next time…

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