Friday, September 27, 2024

That would be my hope

I had a dream last night that was disturbing and I can’t quite shake the sadness I feel this morning…

I dreamt I was in an area with lots of people, the landscape was wooded with a small town but lots of traffic. There was tension rising for the longest time…then all hell broke loose…families turned on each other, friends turned on each other…there was fighting and people throwing stones at one another, people beating each other with sticks…name calling, blaming each other for the troubles, just all manner a chaos. People were beaten and bloody in the streets…there was an energy of hopelessness that permeated the air… I was not involved, it was as if I was able to stand by and just observe…But I was concerned most for the children…the children were terrified watching their parents act this way and a few joined in hurting other children…I look around for a way out, a place of refuge…in the distance, amongst the trees, I saw a place of safety, underground…I was directed there by my intuition, I grabbed some children on my way…when we got there it was clear…no trees, no people, no chaos…. I lifted the dirt covered door and it reminded me of a laundry shoot going down..we all began to pile inside but got stuck and couldn’t go any further…eventually we managed to untangle ourself and get to the safe place…underground was a huge room that was concrete. There were shelves lined with home canned food and other items. Children were playing with toys and giggling while the few women were working on canning items they had. They were doing dishes and some older teenage girls were caring for the younger children. It was so peaceful and you just knew in your soul you were safe.

Bullying, hatefulness nor unkindness was not permitted. If you exhibited those behaviors you were removed from the safe room. 

I have always been one that has been able to interpret dreams, at least my own and sometimes others.

This dream was so accurate to what I’ve been feeling lately.

I do feel as though the landscape of life is changing, but not for better, at least yet. I believe we are at the precipice of absolute and utter chaos…and no one can see it…they are to busy in useless projects…and blaming each other to be able to see their role in it all.

 I think the trees represent road blocks that hinder us from finding our place refuge…I think the road blocks represent political, religion, social media, people we allow in our life…it could be literally anything that hinders our ability to find and maintain peace…

The fighting all around us, literally our life right now…I personally feel I struggle to escape extended family all hold different views than I do and I often feel like I am on the outside looking in with no where to hide. I worry about what children are hearing and seeing from these adults. They are being subtly brainwashed into the same bullshit that their parents believe. 

I found peace amongst the trees, remember the trees represented upheaval …I think this represents finding solace in the chaos and  finally seeing all this for what it is and listening to myself to escape it all…I took some children with me to safety…I often say children live what they see…bullying is horrible right now and it’s because children see it in the home. They see parents calling other parents derogatory names when they have a disagreement, they hear threats of violence…I always feel like someone needs to save the children…children growing up with threats of going to hell if they don’t toe the line and become obedient little soldiers.

Once in our safe place it was wonderful..there was no room for anything hateful, mean or unkind. We were warm fed and accepted. One thing that stood out was the group was very small…I feel that is a very telling…there really are very few truly kind people in the world..they pretend…they are manipulative and liars…they have a motive of some sort …most don’t see it. They post their memes on social media thinking they are showing the world how great they are, yet they never see the division they are causing…I am so grateful I have been given the gift of insight and discernment. I see through it all!

I mentioned getting stuck going down..I really think that speaks to how I and others have felt in life when trying to untangle our belief system and untangle from the beliefs and people that keep us knotted up inside for years…and then eventually we are able to free ourselves and find peace outside the mainstream of society…I think it could also represent how I feel about social media…you get tangled up and it’s hard to get away even though it is detrimental to your mental and emotional health…I often feel stuck as I know others do in this chaos we are living in…it feels as if there is no way out and no place to escape the anger, manipulation, hatefulness, for me personally someone is always wanting to “save me”. They believe I am lost and need saving! I appreciate the sentiment but I’m good…really, I am!

Going underground for safety…honestly it’s how I feel sometimes…and I know many others do as well…we feel as though trying to be authentic to who we are, what we believe or don’t believe must be kept secret from those that are Christians or different from ourselves. The judgement, proselytizing, unkindness is awful…we feel almost threatened daily…sadly what’s really going on is lost on so many. It’s frustrating trying to live in such an environment. 

My dream was telling…it truly does represent the state of our society…of so many people trying just live life as they see fit in a society we thought was free. Free to believe, love, make personal choices and be who you are without threat or fear. 

I have to wonder if those low vibrational people will be left to their own devices, to fight it out, to live a life similar to that of hand maids tale while those vibrating at a higher frequency will move on into a place of love and acceptance…far removed from the confines of control. Controlling how others choose to live and be and simply just are.

That would be my hope…


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