Saturday, September 7, 2024

Seek peace

It’s a beautiful morning on the homestead. It’s been a few weeks since I’ve been able to sit outside…it’s just been to hot. Summer is quickly coming to a close and autumn will take its place. I’m not looking forward to summer ending, but I am looking forward to the intense heat being gone.

It’s a quiet morning, my favorite kind! It’s been a busy summer around here…homestead projects,goat kids being born and just the normal homestead daily tasks. 

We are beginning to do fall preparations, buying hay, making sure propane is topped off in the tanks…taking inventory of things we may need to make it through a bad winter if we happen to have one.

Soon the house will be filed with smells of baked goods, breads & pies! I have some tomatoes I need to sauce from the garden but I’ve waited for the heat to die down…I also have some strawberries and blueberries I need to turn into jelly…

This is such a good life…simple, but good. I look around at all the craziness in our world and I’m so grateful to be away from the brunt of it. Out here seems like a different world…it’s quiet, simple and peaceful. My days are slow paced but filled with things that make a difference…I’ve had to learn over the years what things, people and subjects get my attention and which ones don’t. That’s not always an easy decision…I’ve come to the conclusion that the things, people and subjects add benefit to my life they have a spot…if they/it bring chaos, upheaval or disturb my peace I do not hold space for them/it. Life is short! Be happy! Do those things that make you happy. Have people in your life that make you better….enjoy your coffee outside in nature…nature is healing…take a walk, sit under a tree and read a book…just breathe! 

We will all face challenges, life is not perfect no matter where you live…deal with those challenges and then move one, don’t hold a space for anger, hate or bitterness…it will destroy you! Deal with those feeling and then choose peace! Our world is chaotic right now…emotions are high…uncertainty is looming…unplug…take a walk, read a book, journal, be mindful, or just sit in silence…recenter your thoughts…we can still find peace in our soul admist the chaos!

Seek peace,be mindful 


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