Monday, September 30, 2024

I walk alone

My path and my journey they are my own

I live it and walk it all alone….

Mine is not yours and yours is not mine

I hope you can accept that with a bit time….

We are all unique in our very own way 

Special and different we are not the same…. 

My path is not easy, seems harder every day

You insist my path should be your way…. 

You tell me I’m wrong yet can’t tell me why

Yet tell I’m going to burn in hell when I die….

My heart hurts from the words that cut painfully deep

From my eyes tears fall my pain does weep…..

The hatred you spew from parted lips do you speak 

The people you cut with words left open to bleed….

Minds shut to understanding, hearts closed to love

Yet you speak and preach of the loving god above….

You seem to not care the horrific pain on others you inflict 

You are oblivious to your own confusion, self lies and conflict….

You judge and demonize those different than you

Yet saying you love all, yet I only see a few….

You love those that follow the way you say is right

And fight those unlike you with all of your might….

You worry about mothers taking unborn lives

Yet you are killing the living with your belief in lies…. 

You kill and condemn with your bible in your hand 

All because someone lives different in our supposed free land….

Freedom means everyone is making the same choices as you

Pounding fist from the pulpit with amens from the pew….

Freedom for to all is to live as they see fit 

Not to live by your rules preached from the pulpit…. 

The relationship is personal I hear them all say

But can’t help but tell you about it day after day….

I just wish they could leave everyone just be

Not everyone wants Christia-nity….

I respect your choices and beliefs that you hold 

But the way you treat others leaves my blood running cold….

You judge and you hate and at every turn condemn

Yet say you are filled with something holy and will pray for them….

Live and let live is the choice that I make 

For it is the right way and the path that I take….

I will not push my personal beliefs upon you 

I will refuse to act self righteous the way that you do….

I understand we are all beautiful in our right

And some are as different as day is to night….

We each have a path and journey of our own

It is for each of us to travel ourselves alone…

Written by me The homestead lady

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