Tuesday, September 17, 2024


 As I sat on my swing outside this evening trying to identify what I was feeling after an emotionally difficult day of feeling very misunderstood…I made a decision…I am leaving Facebook. I don’t hate Facebook at all, but the truth is I am not good with so 

many different personalities that I face everyday. All the opinions, bullying, hate, lack of respect and proselytizing is to much for me….Blogging is more my thing as I feel “safer”. I’m not bombarded with so many people and I can more easily control what I read and am exposed to. Maybe some out there will understand. 

Now I want to reintroduce my self. 🙂 I am a 50 something year old lady, living on a homestead somewhere in the deep woods. I am not a Christian so if you came here hoping to find that, I’m sorry to disappoint. I really don’t have any one belief at this point. If you come here to proselytize please just move on. I have studied many different belief systems and I guess I kinda pull from all them. So what you read here will probably be a mixture. I love to write and encourage others. Encouraging others that have been through similar things as I and my husband have is very close to my heart. My past writing will help explain that. Writing gets me out of my head. I am very introverted, but not shy. Introverts tend to be over-thinkers and in their head a lot…that’s certainly true for me and writing is my way to get it all out and process what’s going on in my head. I am a rather sensitive soul and someone who is a literal and logical thinker. I love deep discussions with people committed to understanding another point of view. I ask questions and find it frustrating when someone gives a default answer with no rationale. I try yo practice mindfulness in all I do and write. 

So, what will you find here? You will find a collection of  my thoughts, hopes, dreams and aspirations. You will find pictures of farm animals and writings about our happenings. I enjoy posting quotes from a various sundry of people I admire. And probably on occasion I will post things about politics although I’ll try to refrain. 😁I will state upfront I am unaffiliated with either of the 2 major parties. Please do not lump me into one of the 2. I will not argue with anyone. 

I hope you enjoy your time here. Not sure I’ll post everyday but I will post often. I hope you find your time here uplifting, encouraging and worthwhile! I look forward to our mindful journey together!

Until next time


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