How Evangelical Christianity has abandoned even its own beliefs for the sake of political power.Do you remember the parable of the emperor’s new cloths? Where the emperor was convinced that he was wearing beautifully designed and invisible clothes, when in reality he was just naked? How the townsfolk uncomfortably go along with this pretense, not wanting to appear inept or stupid, until a little child blurts out that the emperor isn’t actually wearing anything at all? How the people then realize that they have all been fooled? How the emperor is startled, but opts to continue the procession, walking more proudly than ever rather than admit he had been fooled?
This is what it feels like for many of us who grew up in evangelical Christianity watching all that is happening right now. We are watching everything we have been taught just disregard and ignored, yet we are expected to just go along with the charade as if that’s not what’s happening at all.
Let me give you an example:
We read all the Left Behind books and learned about how the “Anti-Christ” would come and lead many Christians astray by his silver tongue and manipulating rhetoric. He would promise to be Israel’s champion while actually planning to invade and occupy the Middle East in cooperation with Israel only to then invade Israel too. How the beast in Revelation 13:6 would “open its mouth to blaspheme God, and to slander his name and his dwelling place and those who live in heaven.” How there would be the creation of a currency that would eventually be associated with “the mark of the beast.” How the things of God would be used to deceive the people of God.
Then we grew up and even though many of us don’t believe the same things about the end times anymore, we watched someone beguile and captivate huge numbers of Christians. No matter what he does or says, the fervent support for him doesn’t seem to be impacted among many Christians.
He claims he doesn’t ever need to repent or seek forgiveness for his sins from God.
He claims he could shoot someone of 5th avenue and people would still support him.
He claims that he was appointed by God.
He creates and sells his own Bible for personal financial gain.
He claims to be an advocate for Christians in America.
He calls immigrants “human garbage” and describes certain countries as “$&@?-hole countries.”
He is intent on “taking back control of the entire government.”
He has worked feverishly to appoint judges loyal to him and is now trying to do the same thing throughout all positions of power in our government.
He creates a “meme coin” which is crypto currency, which is a global currency and makes close ties with the wealthiest man on the planet.
He says he’s going to have the U.S. occupy and level Gaza, to the praise of Israel’s prime minister.
Many of his policies will directly harm the people Jesus called us to care for: the poor, the marginalized, the immigrant, and the oppressed.
His supporters do things like wear his hats with his mark literally on their foreheads and even create novelty $100 bills that replace the word “God” in “In God we trust” with his name instead.
All while he and the movement that has been created around him has a history of misogyny, racism, corruption, abuse, and ultra nationalism.
Even mercy, empathy, and the teachings of Jesus are mocked and disregarded as being ineffective, weak, or even a compromise.
But we are all just expected to see this as “normal.” We are expected to just reject everything we were taught by Evangelical Christianity. All while we are mocked as being “leftists” or “woke” by the same group of Christians for simply reiterating the very things they warned us about and taught us to believe.
This is simply spiritual gaslighting at its finest. Teaching us all these things only to mock and ridicule us years later for holding Evangelical Christianity accountable to these beliefs and prioritizing the teachings of Jesus above partisan loyalty.
We know that if any of this was being done by the political party or politicians you oppose, you would be loudly condemning these actions and you would be the first to point out the blatant similarities between what is happening and your end times theology. So why don’t you have the moral and theological integrity to do the same to your preferred politicians and political movement? Has power, wealth, and influence really led you that far away from the principles you taught us to hold onto as true?
So to Evangelical Christianity, you can continue to just shrug these things off as minor things, but there’s a multitude of us who remember exactly what you taught us. We aren’t going anywhere.
We’ve been saying it for more than a decade now: The emperor has no clothes. We aren’t going to stop. You are free to join us at any time. You are free at any moment to honestly point out these blatant contradictions and begin taking steps towards theological integrity once again.
We hope you do.
Benjamin Cremer